Annual Parish Meeting 2018

  1. The Chairman of the Council to welcome parishioners and councillors.

  1. To receive any apologies for absence.

  1. To confirm the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held April 2017 as an accurate record and the Clerk to report on and deal with any matters arising from the Minutes.

  1. To receive from the Chairman the Parish Council’s Annual Report for 2017/18.

  1. To receive an overview on how North Nibley Parish Council spent its Budget in 2017/18.

Break and opportunity to view councillor written reports.

  1. The Open Session. An opportunity for parishioners to raise and discuss matters with their elected representatives. Councillors will be invited to respond to parishioner questions.

  1. To receive an outline of the Council’s plans for 2018/19.

  1. To invite local organisations to receive their grant cheques from the Parish Council and tell the Meeting how they intend to use their grant.

  1. Any Other Business.

Invitation to public to raise any other matters.

After The Meeting, Council will be Meeting. Public welcome to attend.