North Nibley Parish Council



Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman); Mr K Brown; Mrs K Glancy; Mrs A Hale;

Mrs. P Kelly; & Mr D Palmer.

District Councillors: Mrs J Cordwell; & Mr P Smith.

County Councillor: Dr. J Cordwell (from Item 9).

The Clerk: Mr R Symons.

The Burial Clerk: Mrs M King.

  1. To Receive and Accept Apologies for absence.

The following apology was accepted: Mrs EA James.

  1. Declaration of Interests.

The Chairman invited members to declare any interests. There were none.

  1. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 December 2010, as a true and accurate record.

The Minutes had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed.

  1. The Council noted Matters arising from the Minutes that were not covered by agenda items.

The Clerk’s Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting, informed the Council that he had:

  1. The Council discussed how it should recognise Mr Ray Smith’s long service to the Parish Council and the North Nibley Community. Following discussion and consideration of several ideas it was agreed that the Council would spend up to £70 from the Chairman’s Allowance to enable the Clerk to purchase a framed print of a drawing by Claire Failes of Tyndale Monument; and for Mr Brown to arrange for a scroll, setting out Mr Smith’s Service to the Council.

  1. The Meeting was closed for Public Discussion and Questions.

  1. The Parish Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Applications received from Stroud District Council:

GL11 6ER. “Erection of toilet block”.

Following discussion the Council agreed to Support the Application on the grounds that it met Stroud Local Plan Policies EM9 & GE7.

  1. The Parish Council noted that Planning Consent has been granted in respect of:

  1. The Council discussed how the decision by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England to reduce County Council seats to 53, might impact on this Division. Cllr Dr Cordwell was invited to speak. He recommended that the Parish Council should defer their discussions until the February Meeting as the proposal for reducing the number of County Council seats was still under discussion. The Council agreed to adjourn the matter until the February Meeting.

  1. District Councillor Mr P Smith submitted his written District Council Report. (See attached). The Council noted the contents of the Report. Mr Smith pointed out that under the central government settlement, the District would now experience a budget cut over 2 years which had previously been anticipated to happen over 4 years. As a result the Council had delayed its Budget Meeting until later in January.

  1. County Councillor Dr J Cordwell provided a written report. (See attached). The Council noted the contents of the Report. During discussion Cllr. Cordwell agreed to contact County Highways about salt bins in the Parish, notably the absence of bins at Stancombe and on the hill at Old Hollow.

  1. To Receive and Discuss Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors/The Clerk.

  1. Finances.

  1. Following discussion the Council agreed to:

1) Approve the transfer of money (£900.00) from Parish Plan A/C to the main Bank A/C in order to fund the printing of the Parish Plan.

2) To authorise a letter approving the closure of the Council’s Recreation Field Loan A/C with Lloyds TSB. (Minute 13 (6)/12/2010)

  1. The Council considered and approved payments for the following Invoices and drew up and signed cheques to make payments:

  1. Qwertop, for Parish Plan printing costs. (£759.25). (LGA 1972 s.111)

  2. Land Registry registration fee for Council land at Breakheart Hill. (£40.00).

  3. The Clerk’s Salary for Quarter 3 (2010/11). (£1097.03) (LGA 1972 s.112(2))

  4. The Clerk’s Expenses for Quarter 3 (2010/11). (£135.79). (LG (FP)A 1963).

  5. Severn Trent Water. Cemetery water rates for December 2010. (£1.90). (LGA 1972 s.214)

  6. Graham Beer Services. Work on the Cemetery hedge, trees and footpaths. (£498.98). (LGA 1972 s.214)

  7. Gloucestershire Association of Parish & Town Councils. Payment for Parish Councillor Mrs Katie Glancy to attend the “Being a Good Councillor the Nuts & Bolts” event on 18 January. (£80.00). (LGA 1972 s.111)

  1. Cemetery Report. The Council received a verbal report from the Burial Clerk. She reported that two funerals were due to take place during week commencing 17 January. She also brought to the Council’s attention that she would soon need to start locating graves in the new part of the Cemetery. She agreed to bring this matter to a future meeting of the Council, for their agreement.

  1. The Council received a written update on Correspondence received since the last Meeting. (See attached). The Clerk was asked to place the future use of Parish Council land at Breakheart Hill on the February Agenda.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held at the Village Hall on Monday 7 February 2011 at 7.30 pm.