North Nibley Parish Council |
2012 |
Present: Mr. D Purnell (Chairman); Mr K Brown; Mr S Hale; Mr D Palmer; & Mr L Smitherman.
District Councillors: Mrs J Cordwell; Mr A O’Connor; & Mr P Smith
County Councillor: Dr. J Cordwell.
The Clerk: Mr R Symons.
To Receive and Accept Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Mr K Larkin & Mrs K Glancy.
Declaration of Interests.
The Chairman invited members to declare any interests. There were none.
To Approve and Sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 February 2012, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes of the February Meeting had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed.
The Council noted Matters arising from the Minutes that were not covered by agenda items.
The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. He also provided additional verbal information.
A Meeting was held on 8 February to discuss arrangements for Jubilee Celebrations. This had gone well. Various people left that Meeting with agreed actions to take. The Clerk advised the Council that he would be following up these ideas with people in order to report back at the Parish Meeting;
Mr Brown reported that following a decision at the February 8 Meeting, to plant a “Jubilee” tree on Nibley Knoll, the planting had taken place on Friday 2 March. A number of residents and the pupils from the School attended. In addition to planting the tree the children planted a time capsule;
The Clerk had been advised by Dave Corker from Stroud DC Enforcement that they will be taking Enforcement Action on Bird Farm, following the latest “Refusal” of planning permission for a mobile home;
The Parish Council website is now live and continues to be developed. This has been publicised through an OTE article;
Finances. Following the Council’s approval of purchase for laptop/projector/screen, (Minute 15 (3)/02/2012) Mr Palmer had pointed out that under the Council’s Financial Regulations the Council needs three quotes for purchases over £500. As a result the purchase has not been progressed and the matter is on the March Agenda;
The person interested in renting Parish Council land at Breakheart Hill has advised me of her concerns about oak trees and land quality. Mr Brown has spoken with her and advised the Council that he is seeking to address those concerns;
Arrangements to borrow equipment for the Village Clean-Up Day on 31 March are in place. The Clerk has advertised the event in hope of attracting sufficient volunteers;
The Clerk has written to Sir David McMurtry to seek his support for commemorative mugs for children from North Nibley School. The request has been referred to Renishaw’s Charity Committee.
The Council was asked to note the further exchange of correspondence with Stroud DC (copied to Councillors) over Bird Farm.
The Recreation Field Trust has confirmed that they have adjusted their insurance cover to meet the Council’s requirements.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for public discussion and invited questions. There were no questions. The Chairman re-opened the Meeting.
The Council noted that Planning Consent has been Refused in respect of:
S.11/2449/FUL. Bird Farm, Stancombe, Dursley, GL11 6AY. “Siting of temporary agricultural workers dwelling with treatment plant and use of existing access for 3 years”.
The Council noted that the application for Planning Permission has been Withdrawn in respect of:
S.12/0055/FUL. Planning Application for the “conversion and extension to stable block to create one dwelling at Katharines Farm, Swinhay Lane, Swinhay, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7PH.”
The Council were briefed by the Clerk on the recent Core Strategy Meeting held by Stroud DC at Wotton Town Council Offices. It was pointed out that the current version of the Core Strategy, currently before the Council for Consultation, was broadly in line with the Council’s responses to the earlier version. During discussion the following points were made:
The Council should support in principle the strategy of concentration in 6 or 7 locations as being the most sustainable approach overall;
The key aspiration of providing two new jobs for every new home, whilst laudable, is unlikely to be achieved and doesn’t seem to be based on any real evidence. It stands little real chance of success unless Stroud DC introduce very strict policies controlling loss of existing employment sites and impose strict phasing of release of housing land in line with provision of new employment;
The "mini vision" for the Wotton under Edge/Kingswood/North Nibley cluster should be supported in principle. The vision refers to potential Neighbourhood Plans as a means of identifying special needs in communities e.g. affordable housing. It was agreed that discussion about a Neighbourhood Plan for North Nibley was premature.
The Council agreed that the Clerk should draft a response to the Consultation Questionnaire and send it to Councillors for comment prior to submission to Stroud DC.
District Councillor Mr A. O’Connor had previously submitted a written District Council Report. (See attached). The Council noted the contents of the Report. The Chairman thanked Cllr. O’Connor.
County Councillor Dr J Cordwell provided a written report. (See attached). The Council noted the contents of the Report. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Dr. Cordwell.
The Chairman invited Councillors & the Clerk to report on Committees and Meetings which they had attended.
The Clerk reported that he attended a Workshop in Westbury on Severn run by CPRE/GAPTC on “Making sense of Localism”. Mr Palmer reported he had attended a similar Workshop at Eastington. He also provided a note on the meeting. During discussion it was agreed that the Parish Plan needed to be reviewed and updated. The possibility of a further Parish Survey or Housing Survey was discussed. The suggested timescale was the end of 2012. The Clerk was asked to put this on a future Agenda.
Mr Palmer reported he had attended a meeting convened by Kingswood PC & Nailsworth TC to discuss setting up a Consultation Agreement between the parish & town councils and Stroud District Council. Mr Palmer reported that a draft document for wider consultation is to be developed and a further meeting called for 13 June. (See report attached).
Mr Palmer brought to the Council’s attention that the lay-by outside the Cemetery appears to have been narrowed by recent road works. He also brought to the Council’s attention that the rubbish bin needs to be properly secured to its base.
Mr Brown reported that he was in discussion with various parties about use of the Council land at Breakheart Hill.
Parish Council Finances.
The Council received and approved the Bank Reconciliation for period to end of January 2012. The Clerk explained that he was still awaiting bank statements for February 2012. The Reconciliation presented was based on the latest available statements, but didn’t include several deposits made and one cheque which had been drawn since 24 January.
The Council approved one Invoice and drew-up and signed a cheque for item on the attached Payments Schedule.
The Council received and approved two quotes from Geoff Crew Plant Hire, for installing water (£495.00); and for carrying out further land clearance (£212.50) at the Council land on Breakheart Hill. It was agreed that the work needed to be carried out as soon as possible.
The Council agreed to reconsider their earlier decision (Minute 15(3)/02/2012) to purchase a laptop computer, projector and a screen (to be installed in Village Hall). The Clerk informed the Council that he should have obtained three quotes for the purchase in line with the Council’s Financial Regulations. (See Financial Regulations para.11.1 (b)). He was now in receipt of a further quote, which he presented to the Council.
Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should go back to Audio Visual Direct UK and seek to renegotiate the price on the basis that they guarantee a “Lowest Price Promise” and also that the installation of the projector isn’t required.
13 Cemetery Report. The Clerk reported that Mr Noah Loveridge had recently been buried in the Cemetery.
The Council received a written report on Correspondence received by the Council. (See attached).
The Chairman reminded Councillors that the Parish Meeting is at 7.00pm on Monday 2 April. The Clerk will:
produce a one-page Annual Report of the Council’s work in 2011/12;
draw up the Agenda in line with discussions at the February Council Meeting and ensure publicity is provided;
require brief written reports on the Committees on which Councillors serve, well in advance of the Meeting;
post all written reports around the Hall and invite questions from audience;
invite local organisations to attend and say a bit about how they used Council Grants in 2011/12; and ask them to put forward their ideas for the Parish in 2012/13; and
produce a Financial Report on how Council spent its money in 2011/12.
There being no further business the Meeting ended at 8.50 pm.
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 2 April, to follow the Parish Meeting.