Present: Mr. D Purnell (Chairman).

Mr K Brown; Mrs K Glancy; Mr S Hale; Mr D Palmer; & Mr L Smitherman.

District Councillor: Mr A O’Connor; & Mr P Smith.

Clerk: Mr R Symons.

Four members of the public were present.

  1. To Receive and Accept Apologies for absence.

Apologies were received and accepted from: Mr K Larkin; County Councillor Dr J Cordwell;

& District Councillor Mrs J Cordwell. Mrs Cordwell had broken her leg and was incapacitated. On behalf of the Council, the Chairman expressed wishes for Mrs Cordwell to make a speedy recovery.

  1. The Election of a Chairman of the Parish Council for year 2012/13.

Mr Purnell was nominated by Mr Palmer and seconded by Mr Brown. All the Council agreed to his election.

  1. The Election of the Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council for year 2012/13. Mr Brown was nominated by Mr Palmer and seconded by Mrs Glancy. All the Council agreed to his election.

  2. To Elect Councillors to Committees & Groups at which the Parish Council is represented in 2012/13.

Following discussion it was agreed that the following Parish Councillors should represent North Nibley Parish Council on Committees & Meetings as follows:

  1. Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were none.

  2. The Council were advised that they would normally be expected to complete new Written Declarations of Personal Interests. (LGA 2000 Section 81 & The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007). The Clerk advised the Council that changes in the law, following the introduction of The Localism Act, would require a new set of written Declarations to be completed in July 2012. Upon advice he suggested that where a Member’s Personal Interests remained unchanged the existing written Declaration would continue to be acceptable. However, where member’s Interests had changed there would be a need for a fresh Declaration Form to be completed. Mrs Glancy and Mr Brown both declared that some of their Personal Interests had changed. The Clerk agreed to issue them with new Declaration Forms.

  3. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 April 2012, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes of the April Meeting had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed.

  1. The Council noted Matters arising from the Minutes that were not covered by agenda items.

The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting and he provided additional verbal information. He :

  1. had written to the Planning Inspectorate setting out the Council’s Objections to the Planning Application for a temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling with treatment plant at Bird Farm, Stancombe, by Mr & Mrs Bird. He had also made a submission against their Appeal into the Enforcement Order. The Clerk informed the Council that the date for the Appeals to be heard had been set at 26 June at Stroud Council Offices.

  2. had completed the Accounts for 2011/12 and submitted them to the Internal Auditor. He should be in a position to bring them to the June Meeting for sign-off.

  3. had written to Mrs B Baxter of Pittcourt; and Mrs Bunn of Barrs Lane, to thank them for their work in the Cemetery. Mr Palmer advised the Clerk that arrangements to trim the conifer near the gate are in hand.

  4. was pleased to report that Renishaw plc has generously funded the Jubilee mugs for North Nibley Village School pupils and the children attending the Village Pre-School Group. The Chairman will present the mugs to the School pupils at the church service on Friday 1 June.

  5. had been informed that Geoff Crew has now completed the work in installing the water trough at Breakheart Hill. The trough is now ready for connection by Severn Trent Water and this awaits payment by the Council. (See Agenda item 20 (8) (2)).

  6. had met with Mrs Glancy & Mr Brown and carried out a risk assessment for the Jubilee events on Monday 4 June. (Agenda Item 14).

  7. Had noted that Mr Meyer’s Planning Application (S.12/0560FUL) had been withdrawn.

  1. The Chairman closed the Meeting and invited members of the public to raise issues and ask questions.

A member of the public brought to the attention of the Council recent problems with vehicles accessing Barrs Lane at speed; and associated problems with vehicles parking on the corner of Tyndale Close and obstructing pedestrians’ access to the footpaths. The latter incident was also linked to abusive language towards a resident who had requested the vehicle be removed.

Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk will contact Gloucestershire Highways to request that signage and lines are installed in order to calm traffic speed. The Clerk will also take up the matter of inappropriate parking, although it was pointed out that the police are only willing to take action if a member of the public reports an obstruction.

There being no further matters, the Chairman re-opened the Council meeting.

  1. The Council were shown details of the following two Listed Building Consent Applications and a Planning Application.

Following discussion the Council agreed to Support the Application on the grounds that the proposed changes would bring about sympathetic restoration of the building.

Following discussion the Council agreed to Support the Application on the grounds that the proposed changes would bring about sympathetic restoration of the building.

Following discussion the Council agreed to make “No Observations” on this application.

  1. The Council received and discussed a District Councillor’s Report submitted in her absence by District Councillor Mrs J Cordwell. (Filed aside). The Chairman, on behalf of the Council, recorded his congratulations to Mrs Cordwell on her recent re-election.

District Councillor Mr Smith advised the Council that the introduction of new National Planning Guidance was likely to impact upon Stroud DC plans to adopt a Core Strategy. As a result the District Core Strategy is likely to be delayed and modified to meet the new Guidance.

  1. The Council received and discussed a Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell, submitted in his absence. (Filed aside).

  1. The Chairman invited Councillors to report on any Committees and Meetings which they have attended since the last Meeting. There were no reports.

The Chairman said the Clerk had submitted a written report (See aside) of a meeting on Council Standards, attended on 25 April. The Clerk outlined the main changes and how they would affect Parish Councillors (see Key actions for local councils). He stated that changes are expected to come into force on 1 July 2012 and would be supported by additional guidance. He advised the Council that Stroud DC were working on a Code of Conduct and when it became available, North Nibley PC should adopt that Code.

  1. The Council received a Draft Risk Assessment for the Council organised Diamond Jubilee Barbeque and Beacon events on Nibley Knoll on Monday 4 June.

Mrs Glancy took the Council through the draft document which she had produced following a meeting between Mrs Glancy, Mr Brown and the Clerk. Following discussion and subject to the outcome of further research into the Environmental Impact of the Beacon and any matters arising out of the Jubilee Planning Meeting on 16 May, the Council agreed to adopt and sign-off the Risk Assessment.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Glancy for her work in drawing up the Assessment.

  1. The Council received and considered an approach from Nibley City, Utah USA for North Nibley to become a “Sister City”. The Clerk advised the Council that he had received a parcel from Nibley City Utah, inviting North Nibley to become a “Sister City”. He briefed the Council and showed them the contents of the parcel.

It was agreed that Mrs Glancy, as Governor of the Village School, should take the Nibley children’s drawings to the School.

The Council agreed that what was now needed was for residents to volunteer and explore the potential of this relationship with Nibley, Utah. It was evident that the group in Nibley, Utah were very enthusiastic. We now need similar enthusiasm to come from within North Nibley community.

The Clerk has written an article for “On The Edge”. Further documents will be displayed on notice boards and the Parish Council website.

  1. The Clerk had received an email from one resident requesting the Council to consider a request for allotments to be provided. The Clerk read the email to the Council. The resident was present at the Meeting. The Chairman closed the Meeting and invited the resident to address the Council.

The reasons for the request were for the resident to be able to grow their own produce for consumption. Although a search for suitable land had been carried out, this had proven unsuccessful. The resident was now asking the Parish Council to do what it could to provide allotments for her and other residents.

Councillors said they have no recollection of there being allotments in this Parish, although they were aware of allotments in adjoining parishes. Existing Parish Council land was unsuitable for this purpose. The Clerk explained that should six or more registered electors make a written representation to operate the Allotments Acts (Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 s.23 (1) & (2)) the Council is required to “take such representations into consideration”. The Clerk pointed out that any requirement upon the Council in such a situation would be to provide allotment gardens (a plot not exceeding 220square yards in size).

Following discussion it was agreed the Council had no suitable land immediately available. The Clerk will include a request in his “On The Edge” article to see if any landowners in the Parish are willing to make a small piece of land available. The Chairman re-opened the Meeting.

  1. The Clerk informed the Council that the Parish Council Standing Orders were last updated in July 2010 and reapproved at the May 2011 Annual Meeting. As a result of the Localism Act changes were likely to be introduced in the near future. The Clerk assured the Council that the Standing Orders were still in line with current requirements and upon his advice the Council agreed they should be retained unchanged. The Clerk will bring changes resulting from the Localism Act to the Council, at the earliest opportunity.

  1. The Clerk informed the Council that the Parish Council Financial Regulations were last updated in July 2009 and reapproved at the May 2011 Annual Meeting. As a result of the Localism Act changes were likely to be introduced in the near future. The Clerk assured the Council that the Financial Regulations were still in line with current requirements and upon his advice the Council agreed they should be retained unchanged. The Clerk will bring changes resulting from the Localism Act to the Council, at the earliest opportunity.

  1. The Clerk explained that the lease for the Recreation Field is now due for review. Mr Larkin, the Council’s representative on the Recreation Field Trust, had carried out a review. During the review he had identified errors in the Trust’s insurance cover. These have now been rectified and are in accordance with the terms of the lease between the Council and the Trust. In his absence Mr Larkin had requested that the matter be placed on the Agenda. Through the Clerk, Mr Larkin recommended that the annual rent for the Recreation Field should continue at £1, until the next review. It was acknowledged that the Trust carried out all the work to maintain the land and the pavilion at nil cost to the Parish Council. Following discussion the Council approved a proposal to maintain the current rate of rent charged for Recreation Field at £1 per annum. .

  1. The Council were asked to make decisions on the Finance Report.

  1. Came & Co: Parish Council Insurance Premium Renewal with Aviva.

  1. The Clerk explained that the Council had moved to their current insurers three years ago, following his review of the previous arrangements. On further checking the cover received and the premium paid, he recommended that the Council should continue their present arrangements through Came & Co.

The Council agreed to sign up to 3 year commitment, which would reduce the annual premium by 5% (to the same level previously paid over the last 3 years); and to freeze the premium at the 2012 level for a further 2 years.

b) The Council approved the Insurance Premium renewal due from 1 June 2012 for 2012/13. (LGA 1972 s.111). (£265.00)

  1. The Council noted that the half-yearly repayment of the Pavilion Loan is due in May 2012 and will be paid by Direct Debit.

  2. The Council noted that the first half year payment of the Precept had been credited to the Council’s Current Bank A/C.

  3. The Council noted that Parish Council’s End of Year Accounts have been submitted for internal audit.

  4. The Clerk explained that there was now a large surplus in the Council’s Current Bank A/C and he recommended that £3000 should be transferred to the Deposit A/C. The Council approved the transfer.

  5. The Clerk explained that the Parish Plan A/C was not used in 2011/12. It had always only been intended to exist for 3 years to 2011. He recommended that the balance of £61.14 be transferred to the Deposit A/C; and the bank be instructed to close the Parish Plan A/C. The Council agreed. Mr Palmer reminded the Council that he wanted to hold a gathering of those involved in producing the Plan to thank them for their contributions. This meeting could also be used to Review the Plan. This would require approximately £30 for refreshments.

  6. The Council received proposal for the wording of three signs. Two for the Memorial trees; and one for the time capsule. Following discussion, with one minor amendment, the wording and the quote from Spinks Signs to produce the signs were approved by the Council. At a cost of £85 plus VAT.

  1. The Council approved the Invoices and drew up cheques for the items on the enclosed Payments Schedule.

  1. Cemetery Report.

  1. The Council approved the proposed wording to be added to the existing memorial to the late Sophie Loveridge, in respect of Noah Loveridge.

  2. The Council approved the proposed wording and the design of headstone and base to be located on the grave of Philip Roberts.

The Clerk suggested that when the opportunity arose, he should be trained on Cemetery Management, to enable him to be better informed to advise the Council on their responsibilities. Following discussion this was agreed by the Council.

  1. The Council received written details of Correspondence received since the last Meeting. (See filed aside).

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 11 June 2012 at 7.30 pm.