2013 |
Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman).
Mr K Brown; Mrs K Glancy; Mr K Larkin; Mr D Palmer; & Mr L Smitherman.
District Councillors: Mrs J Cordwell.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.
The Clerk: Mr R Symons.
Burial Clerk: Mrs M King.
To receive and accept Apologies for absence. Mr S Hale and District Councillor Mr P Smith.
Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were none.
To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3 June 2013, as a true record. The Minutes of the June Ordinary Meeting had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed.
The Council noted Matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items.
The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. He advised that:
Since the last Meeting the Cotswold Way Volunteers Team have removed substantial sections of the old steps and all the handrails on the steps leading to the Knoll. In effect the steps no longer exist;
Mr Palmer has removed further black plastic from the Council land at Breakheart Hill;
The Clerk has advertised the availability of the land for rent at Breakheart Hill. Mr Brown has received a couple of enquiries, but to date the land has not been leased;
The Council’s End of Year Accounts have been sent to Grant Thornton the external auditor;
A reply has been received from Mr Skill to Clerk’s letter to Mr Corker (Stroud DC Enforcement). Copied to Councillors;
The Council’s Resolution on Enforcement Action at Bird Farm has been submitted and a reply received. (Copied to Councillors). No further updates have been received;
Five members of Parish Council met at the Knoll to discuss how the Council should proceed with registration of the bank adjoining Wood Lane. The matter is on the Agenda;
The Clerk is unable to represent the Council at this year’s GAPTC AGM on 17 July. Is there a Councillor able to attend?
The Council’s comments about the 311 ‘bus service not being advertised at Bristol ‘Bus Station have been passed on to First Bus by Mr Carr from Gloucestershire CC.
The Council consider and commented upon the following Planning Applications:
S.13/1169/HHOLD. 4 Highlands Drive, North Nibley. Replacement of existing dormers, two new dormers and replacement of existing chimney to front elevation. Following discussion and consideration of the plans, the Council agreed to make No Comment.
S.13/1051/FUL. North Nibley Village Hall, Innocks Estate, North Nibley. Proposed installation of solar PV panels on roof facing front parking area. A representative of the applicant addressed the Council explaining the background to the application. Following discussion the Council agreed to Support the application on the grounds that it:
1) meets the criteria of the National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 97; and
2) satisfies the requirement of the Stroud Local Plan Policy NE8.
Furthermore the plans will assist the long term viability of the Village Hall which is an essential asset to the Parish.
S.13/1121/FUL. Binley Farm, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley. Erection of extensions to existing barn complex and change of use of existing barn to form a group tourism accommodation.
Following discussion the Council agreed not to Object to the application, but to make the following comments: “The applicant in their “Statement of Community Involvement has already agreed with Stroud District Council to enter into a Section 106, which ensures the new buildings will not be separated or used as a new residence. Should the property pass into new ownership in the future, this agreement would still remain legally binding”. The Council suggested that this should be made a condition of any Planning approval.
The Council noted that the following decision has been made by Stroud Local Planning Authority:
S.13/0796/HHOLD. The Round House, Whiteway Hill, Woodmancote. Permission - Removal of south glazed bay and lower ground floor plant room and construction of balcony in glazed balustrade and brushed steel frame.
The Council received a verbal report from the Chairman and the Clerk on the recent visit by Parish Councillors to inspect the bank off Wood Lane. The Council agreed that the Chairman, one Councillor and the Clerk should meet with Trustees from Nibley Knoll Trust to further discuss how the Trust and the Parish Council should proceed, regarding the registration of the area of land adjoining Wood Lane.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.
There were no questions. The Chairman re-opened the Meeting.
The Council received a written District Council Report from District Councillor Mrs J Cordwell. (See filed aside). The Clerk could not recall the Council receiving an invitation to attend the newly established Safer Stronger Communities Partnership. The Clerk agreed to contact Mr Sullivan from Stroud DC to ensure that the Council is involved in future meetings.
The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (See filed aside). Dr Cordwell informed the Council that he would be unable to attend the next Meeting as he is due to have an operation. The Council conveyed their best wishes to Dr Cordwell.
Councillors’ Reports. The Chairman invited Parish Councillors to report on any Meetings they had attended:
Mr Larkin reported that he had attended a meeting of the Recreation Field Trust. Most of the meeting had been to deal with housekeeping” issues. In addition the Trust had been informed that Stroud DC had booked the field in order to stage a “Free play in the Park” event during August. Discussions about the forthcoming Music Festival had been positive. In response to a question the Clerk said he was not aware of a drainage plan for the field.
Mr Brown reported that he had cleared the soil from Wood Lane. He had also arranged to the Council’s land to be spot sprayed to deal with the ragwort on the Knoll, which in spite of people pulling up the plants over the last two years, still survived.
The Council approved and adopted the “Working Together” Agreement between Stroud DC & Parish and Town Councils in the District. The Chairman signed the Document on behalf of the Council.
The Council considered a request from Stroud DC to decide upon a preferred option for the use of the balance of Local Council Tax Support Funding 2013/14, amounting to £67,007, which was not claimed by some parish/town councils and is held by Stroud DC. Following consideration of the 5 Options put forward by Stroud DC, the Council voted for Option 3 to use the money for “Funding for better signage of tourist attractions around the district.”
Parish Council Finances.
The Council received a Quarterly Report of Parish Council finances. See aside. The Clerk pointed out to the Council that one potential area of income shortfall was on Breakheart Hill land as the land is currently not leased out. The Clerk advised the Council that he had displayed posters in Dursley & North Nibley, advertising the land, but he had not received any enquiries. Mr Brown reported he had received 3 enquiries, but no firm interest other than the one made earlier in the year. Following discussion the Council agreed that they should permit Mr Brown/and the Clerk, some flexibility in the amount the Council would charge for the land and agreed that a figure of £60 or more per month would be acceptable. Following discussion the Council accepted the report.
The Council approved for payment the Invoices on the attached Payments Schedule; and approved and drew up cheques for payment.
The Council received a request from Yercombe (Gloucestershire) Trust, for the Council to nominate a Trustee. The Chairman invited Councillors to put themselves forward and suggested that should anyone be interested they could contact the Trust for further information. One Councillor indicated that he might be interested in finding out more. The Clerk provided him with contact details.
The Chairman invited the Burial Clerk to present a verbal report. The Burial Clerk reported that recently she had sold 3 plots. The cheque for 2 plots had already been banked. The Burial Clerk had passed a further cheque to the Clerk at the Meeting. The Clerk reported that he had drafted a building specification for the proposed work at the Cemetery and agreed to meet the Chairman on site to finalise the document.
The Council received a written report (See aside) on Correspondence & Messages received. The information is contained on document filed aside.
The Council received a list of future Council Meetings for 2014. The Clerk acknowledged that there was an error relating to the January date. The correct dates are filed alongside this document.
The Chairman invited Mrs Glancy to address the Meeting. Mrs Glancy informed the Council that they were shortly due to move home to Cheltenham. As a result Mrs Glancy announced her resignation from the Council with immediate effect. The Chairman thanked Mrs Glancy for her significant contribution to the work of the Parish Council. On behalf of the Council the Chairman conveyed the best wishes of the Council. The Clerk was asked to contact Stroud DC to notify them of the vacancy.
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.00pm.
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 5 August 2013 at 7.30 pm.