2014 |
Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman).
Mrs J Burton; Mr S Hale; Mr K Larkin; & Mr D Palmer.
District Councillors: None present.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.
The Clerk: Mr R Symons.
There was one member of the public present for part of the Meeting.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies were received and accepted from Mr K Brown & Mr L Smitherman. Also from District Councillors Mrs J Cordwell; & Mr P Smith.
Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were none.
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2 December, as a true record. The Minutes of the December Ordinary Meeting had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items. The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. He advised that:
2014/15 Budget. (See Item 9 on Agenda). The Council has received advice that it will be informed of the level of Local Council Tax Support to be paid “in January 2014”. Presumably after the Parish Forum meeting at Stroud DC.
The Closed Churchyard. (See Item 8 on Agenda). He had issued a further update on St Martin’s Closed Churchyard, to assist the Council’s discussion and decision making under Agenda Item 8. He had written to the PCC (letter copied to Councillors) and received an extract from the latest Church Surveyor’s Quinquennial Report (October 2012).
The Cemetery. He had received Treecreeper Arborists’ written report on the condition of the trees in the Cemetery. The quotation for the cost of work on the two trees which will need attention in the next 18 months, is awaited.
Wood Lane. Councillors are aware that there has been a significant landslip in Wood Lane. The Clerk has been advised by John Lane (County Council Rights of Way) that the County Council have arranged for a contractor to remove the landslip. Meanwhile they have advised users to take an alternative route. The Clerk informed the Council that in discussion with Mr Brown it had been suggested that works needed to be carried out on the right hand bank to help reduce future slippages. It was agreed by Councillors that there would be benefit from arranging a meeting of interested bodies early in the Spring. Suggested interests were: The Knoll Trust, Gloucestershire County Council Rights of Way, The Monument Trust, North Nibley Parish Council and adjoining land owners.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.
There being no matters raised, the Chairman re-opened the Meeting.
The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Application & Application for Listed Building Consent.:
S.13/2657/HHOLD. Millman’s Farm, Wotton Road, North Nibley. GL12 7PD. Alterations to farmhouse and single storey extension.
S.13/2658/LBC. Millman’s Farm, Wotton Road, North Nibley. GL12 7PD. Alterations to farmhouse and single storey extension.
The two applications were considered together. Following a full consideration of the documentation linked to these applications the Council agreed to Support both applications on the following grounds: The Council support the planned improvements to this property and the intention to return the house to a good standard. The Parish Council considers that these proposals fully meet the requirements of the Stroud Local Plan Policy HN 16.
The Council noted that consent has been granted in respect of:
S.13/2403/LBC. Millman’s Farm, Wotton Road, North Nibley. GL12 7PD. Change of roof covering to Welsh slate. Addition of four dormer windows. Removal of one chimney stack.
S.13/2402/HHOLD. Millman’s Farm, Wotton Road, North Nibley. GL12 7PD. Change of roof covering to Welsh slate. Construction of four dormer windows and demolition of one chimney stack.
S.13/2237/HHOLD. 36, Westwinds Barrs Lane, North Nibley, Gloucestershire , GL11 6DT. Second storey extension & alterations to domestic dwelling.
The Council further considered the Parochial Church Council’s application for the Parish Council to take on full responsibility for the Closed Churchyard at St. Martin’s Church. (Local Government Act 1972 S 215 (2)). This was first discussed at the December Meeting (Minute 8/12/2013). The Clerk referred to his “Update Note on the Closed Churchyard at St Martin’s Church”, issued on 30 December 2013. (See filed aside). Following discussion the Council decided to accept responsibility for the Churchyard (rather than pass it to Stroud DC). The Council instructed the Clerk to write to the PCC, raising the following issues:
To note that the collapsed wall is being repaired at full cost to the PCC;
To ask the PCC what action has been taken to address the recommendations in the Quinquennial report about the “north wall; north gateway; and steps”.
The Parish Council accepts the offer of volunteers to continue to cut the grass and requests 3 months notice to any change to this arrangement to enable the Parish Council to arrange for a contractor to take on the work;
To confirm that St Martin’s PCC are eligible to apply for a Parish Council Grant in 2014/15.
It was agreed by a majority vote (4 for; 1 against) that the Parish Council will accept full responsibility for the Closed Churchyard from 24 February 2014.
The Council received a paper entitled “North Nibley Parish Council: Finance Paper: Setting the Council’s Budget and Precept for 2014/2015”. Following a full discussion and consideration of the paper and associated spreadsheets the Council agreed:
A Budget for 2014/15 (See Annex B attached);
Draft Budgets for 2015/16 & 2016/17 (See Annex C attached);
To defer the final decision on the 2014/15 Precept until after the Parish Council has been advised of the level of Local Council Tax Support to be paid in 2014/15. Meanwhile the Council set a Preliminary Precept of £13,500 (including LCTS) for final approval and sign-off at the February Meeting.
The Council received a written District Council Report (see filed aside) from Councillor Mr Paul Smith. Councillor Smith was unable to be present.
The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (See filed aside). There were no questions on his report. The Clerk advised that he usually found no problems in getting Highways to repair street lighting. A recent report on the light at the corner of The Street and New Road received a reply within 24 hours. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Dr. Cordwell for his report.
The Chairman invited Councillors to report on Committees and Meetings they had attended. To receive and discuss Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors.
Mr Larkin & Mr Palmer reported on their attendance at the GAPTC Planning event in December. The seminar covered recent changes to the Planning process; and a detailed briefing on Neighbourhood Planning. Following discussion it was agreed that Neighbourhood Planning was more suited to parishes/towns where was likely to be major developments. It was considered to be inappropriate for the Parish.
Mr Larkin reported that he had attended a meeting of The Recreation Field Trust. There were discussions and decisions made on a number of minor works to the Recreation Field. The Parish Council were content with the planned changes.
Parish Council Finances.
The Clerk was unable to present the Parish Council Bank Reconciliation to end of December 2013 due to non-arrival of bank statements. It was agreed that the item should be deferred to the February Meeting.
The Council approved the Invoices and drew up cheques for the following items:
Hawkins & Sons: Contract mowing at The Cemetery, 8 August to 22 October
R Symons: Clerk’s Salary Quarter Three 2013/14.
The Post Office: Clerk’s Payee Quarter Three 2013/14.
GAPTC: Councillors attendance at Planning Explored event 3 December 2013.
R Symons: Clerk’s Expenses Quarter three 2013/14.
The Council received a quote from TW Hawkins & Sons for carrying out grass cutting & strimming in the Cemetery in 2014. The Clerk advised the Council that TW Hawkins & Sons last increased their prices to the Council in 2011/12. The proposed price for 2014 was £102.48 per cut (plus vat). A 2.99% increase. Following discussion the Council approved the quote.
The Council received a verbal Cemetery Report from the Clerk.
The Clerk advised the Council of an application for an inscription to an existing memorial on a grave at the Cemetery. The wording was discussed and approved.
The Clerk briefed the Council on the recent report on the condition of trees at the Cemetery. Poor weather over the previous weekend had caused a branch to fall from a tree in the corner of the Cemetery, close to the road side. No injury or damage had been caused and the Clerk had arranged for its removal. It was agreed that once the quotation on the work to the trees has been received discussions needed to be held to arrange for works to be carried out.
The Clerk invited Councillors to put forward suggestions on items to be included in the Agenda for the Parish Meeting Agenda 8 April 2014. The following suggestions were made:
Councillors’ reports in writing with an opportunity for questions;
Award of Parish Council grants;
Explanation of the Council’s Financial position for 2013/14;
Report back on the works carried out in the Cemetery during 2013/14;
Explanation of reasons why the Council has taken on responsibility for maintenance of the Closed Churchyard at St Martin’s Church, including the financial impact of the decision;
Report back on the Parish Information Board;
An explanation of the position with Wood Lane;
A report from Village Shop Committee on arrangements for the Post Office;
Possibly something on the future of the Chapel.
The Clerk was directed to draw up a draft agenda for approval.
The Council received for information details of Correspondence received.
(See attached).
The Council agreed that the 2014 Village Clean-Up event should be held on the morning of Saturday 12 April 2014. The Clerk will make the necessary arrangements.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.15 pm.
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 3 February 2014 at 7.30 pm.