2014 |
Present: Mr K Brown (Chairman).
Mr S Hale; Mr K Larkin; & Mr D Palmer.
District Councillors: District Councillors Mrs J Cordwell; Mrs L Reeves; & Mr P Smith.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.
The Clerk: Mr R Symons.
There were two members of the public present for part of the Meeting.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. The Council received and accepted apologies from Mr D Purnell; Mrs J Burton; & Mr L Smitherman. District Councillor Mr P Smith notified the Clerk that he would have to leave the Meeting early.
Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were none
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Parish Annual Council Meeting held on 14 July 2014, as a true record. The Minutes of the July Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items. The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. He advised that:
Wood Lane drainage. At the time of the Update the problems caused by a blockage of the sump at the bottom of Wood Lane had not been cleared by GCC’s contractor. Earlier that day he had contacted Rights of Way who confirmed that they had instructed a contractor and would progress chase their instructions.
He had spoken to Mr John Lane about the Amey GCC report on Wood Lane, discussed by the Council at the July Meeting. Mr Lane said he would be consulting with their solicitor and would get back to the Clerk to set a date for a further meeting.
He had been informed by the planning officer that the application (S.14/1336/FUL, Manor Farm, Upper Wick,) would go to Development Control Committee, probably on 14 October.
He had made some drafting changes to the Housing Needs Survey ready for Council sign-off.
The Council’s new Financial Regulations are ready for sign-off by the Chairman.
The Council received and discussed the following application for Planning Permission:
S.14/1551/FUL. Daisy Farm, Daisy Green Lane, Howley, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7PF. Alterations and extension of small barn to form dwellinghouse, change of use from agricultural to dwelling. Associated landscaping and new access.
Following discussion and careful consideration of the relevant planning policies the Council agreed to Object to the application on the following grounds:
The application fails to meet the Stroud District Local Plan Policy HN10, in so far as the planned development is outside of the defined settlement development boundaries of North Nibley; and the application is not “essential to the efficient operation of agriculture or forestry”. See also Stroud Emerging Policy HC1.
The application fails to meet the Stroud District Local Plan Policy BE17, in so far as there is neither evidence of an attempt to meet criterion 1; nor criterion 2 by demonstrating that the planned development meets all the criteria set out in Policy BE16 (BE16 Criterion 7).
The Council also questions the claim made by the applicant that the road is a private road owned by the applicant.
The Council noted that Planning Consent has been granted in respect of the following applications and noted the conditions which have been placed on those consents:
S.14/1054/ADV. Black Horse Inn, Barrs Lane, North Nibley. Consent to replace 10 signs to the exterior of the building.
S.14/1055/LBC. Black Horse Inn, Barrs Lane, North Nibley. Listed Building Consent to replace 10 signs to the exterior of the building.
S.14/1083/FUL. Burrows Court Farm, Nibley Green, North Nibley. Permission to erect a stable/barn.
S.14/1231/LBC. Black Horse Inn, Barrs Lane, North Nibley. Consent to take down and rebuild left hand and central chimney stacks. Render repairs to external walls. New drainage to front of building to alleviate flooding issues. Reinstatement of stonework to right hand staircase. Rebuild sections of boundary walls. Redecoration of property.
S.14/0412/FUL. Storage Barn, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley. Planning permission to change of use of land to composite mixed use agricultural and equestrian use. Erection of new barn and outdoor ménage.
It was pointed out that the decision for S.14/1083/FUL stated that “no comments have been received” from the Parish Council. The Clerk explained that the Council’s comments had been submitted on line and that the planning website showed the comments from the Council. The Clerk was asked to write to Stroud Planning to point out the error in the Decision Notice.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions. He invited two members of the public present to address the meeting. They explained that they had recently been given a plot of land on Stinchcombe Hill. Following consultation of the map it was ascertained that the land is within the Parish boundaries. It was the landowners hope that they might be able to build a residential property on the site. They explained they have held pre-application discussions with a Stroud Planning officer and today wanted to seek the Parish Council’s views on their ideas. During discussion Parish Councillors discussed the relevant Local Plan Policy, namely HN10, which precludes residential development outside the defined settlement boundaries, unless it is essential to the efficient operation of agriculture or forestry. It was also pointed out that whilst the Parish Council is consulted for its views, the final decision on applications is made by Stroud Planning. At the end of the discussion the members of the public thanked the Council and left the meeting.
The Council re-opened the Meeting.
The Council received a written District Council Report from District Councillor Mrs Cordwell. (See filed aside). Following discussion the Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs Cordwell for her Report.
The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (See filed aside). In response to a question Dr Cordwell explained it was hoped that the work at Old London Road, Wotton under Edge would commence soon. Following discussion the Chairman thanked Cllr. Dr Cordwell for his Report.
The Chairman invited Councillors to report on Committees and Meetings they had attended.
Mr Brown reported that the tree blocking Hookey Lane had been removed by contractors.
The Clerk reported he had attended the GAPTC AGM to represent the Council.
The Clerk reported that he had also attended a meeting held by Gloucestershire Highways/Amey. He had used the opportunity to speak with John Lane about Wood Lane. (See 4 above). He had also raised concerns with management of the Highways call centre and brought to their attention concerns about the quality of the current service.
Mr Palmer reported that he had attended a meeting of the Solar Group.
The Clerk went through the drafts of the letter and Housing Needs Survey for the Parish. Following discussion some minor amendments were made and the documents approved. The Clerk reported the Survey would be issued with the October Edition of “On The Edge” to all households in the Parish. .
The Council noted that it had agreed to fund the cost of the Survey, estimated at £140.00.
District Councillor Mr Smith left the Meeting at this point.
Parish Council Finances.
There were no Invoices for the Council to approve.
The Council received and approved a quarterly bank reconciliation statement for period ending 14 June 2014. The Chairman signed the statement.
The Council received a verbal Cemetery & Churchyard Report from the Clerk. The Clerk reported that confirmation of grass cutting arrangements at St Martin’s Church would involve the Council in taking on the “rough cut” areas to the south side of the Churchyard with effect from April 2015. This would need to be taken into account when setting the 2015/16 Budget.
The Council received for information details of Correspondence received. (See attached).
The Clerk brought to the Council’s attention the report received from Highways about the speed limit on the B4060 (North Nibley to Wotton under Edge). He advised that the matter would be on the September Agenda for a substantive discussion and decision by the Council.
The Clerk had received a verbal request for the Council to consider placing the Black Horse on Community Asset list. Councillors considered the request and the Clerk said he would place the matter on the September Meeting for decision.
The Clerk brought to the Council’s attention a Meeting of Village Shop Association on 11 August to discuss the future of the Community Shop. It was suggested that the Council should also include this on the September Agenda.
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 8.50 pm.
Councillors were reminded that the Council had agreed to meet initially at St Martin’s Church at 7.00 pm; to be followed by the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Monday 1 September 2014 at 7.30 pm.