2014 |
Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman).
Mr K Brown; Mr K Larkin; & Mr D Palmer.
District Councillors: District Councillors Mrs J Cordwell; & Mr P Smith.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.
The Clerk: Mr R Symons.
There was one member of the public present.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. The Council received and accepted apologies from Mrs J Burton; Mr S Hale; Mr L Smitherman; & District Councillor Mrs L Reeves.
Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were none
The Chairman signed-off a paper version of the Council’s new Financial Regulations, which had previously been agreed at the July Meeting.
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Parish Annual Council Meeting held on 4 August, as a true record. The Minutes of the August Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items. The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. He advised that:
Wood Lane. A meeting has been arranged to take place on 18 September at Waterley Farm, with John Lane (County Council) and representatives from interested bodies (Parish Council; Knoll Trust; The Monument Trust; Cotswold AONB; & Cotswold Way Warden) to discuss how the issues at Wood Lane, as highlighted in the recent Amey Report, should be taken forward. The Council will be represented by Parish Councillors Dave Purnell and David Palmer and the Clerk.
Housing Needs Survey & Affordable Housing for the Parish. The Survey & Letter have been sent back to GRCC with amendments as agreed at the August Meeting.
Wood Lane drainage. The problems caused by a blockage of the sump at the bottom of Wood Lane have been cleared by GCC’s contractor. He had contacted Rights of Way regarding the blockage to the drains in Wotton Road.
Planning decision for S.14/1083/FUL. He had written to the Planning Officer to point out his error in the Decision Notice stating that “no comments have been received from the Parish Council” in respect of this planning application. He had pointed out that comments were submitted on the day before the Decision was taken. The Clerk received a verbal response acknowledging this fact.
He had contacted GRCC and other bodies to seek assistance for the Village Shop Association. GRCC had already been advising the Committee. The EGM of the Village Shop Association on 11 August was well attended.
He had received a reply to the Council’s letter to Phil Skills regarding alleged breaches of planning permission. (See Minutes of July Meeting, Minute 7/07/2014). The reply from Stroud DC had been sent to Parish Councillors.
Following the Council’s earlier visit, to consider and decide upon what maintenance action would be needed at St Martin’s Churchyard. The Council instructed the Clerk to:
Arrange for Treecreepers Arborists to carry out a survey and report on the condition of trees in the churchyard;
Instruct Garden supplies to cut & trim (not pull) ivy, elder plants & brambles on the walls surrounding the Churchyard; and
To obtain a quote from Hawkins & Sons for grass cutting at St Martin’s Churchyard.
There were no Planning Applications for the Council to discuss.
The Council noted that Planning Consent has been granted in respect of the following applications:
S.14/0414/FUL. Agricultural Building, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley. Change of use of land to mixed use as agricultural and for use as a small camping ground. Change of use of existing building to shower/wc block. The Clerk reminded the Council that they had considered this at the May Meeting. The Council had made comments about numbers of caravans/tents permitted; and raised questions about disposal of waste water. These matters appear to have been taken into consideration in reaching the decision.
S.14/1015/DISCON. Millman’s Farm, Wotton Road, North Nibley. Discharge of condition 5 from S.13/2658/FUL.
The Clerk advised the Council that he had contacted the Planning Officer dealing with the Frog Lane application (S.14/1287/FUL. Land At, Frog Lane, North Nibley, Gloucestershire). He had been informed that the Officer planned to have the recommendation written up by the end of the week.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.
The Chairman invited the member of the public to speak. In connection with Planning Application S.14/1287/FUL. He said that should the application be rejected he was of the opinion that the applicant would appeal on the basis that there are insufficient gypsy sites & pitches in the District. District Councillor responded and assured the Council that he had been advised that the District Council met these requirements. The Chairman thanked the member of public and re-opened the Meeting.
The Council discussed and agreed how it should be represented at the Development Control Committee meeting, to determine the Manor Farm, Upper Wick Planning Application, on 14 October.
The Clerk informed the Council that he had checked and been advised by Stroud Planning that both Alkington & North Nibley PCs would be invited to speak for 3 minutes each. The Clerk was asked to clarify the position with planners, regarding other Objectors.
Following discussion the Clerk was requested to take the arrangements for the Parish Council presentation forward, consulting with Mr Larkin and informing the Council about the arrangements at the October Meeting.
The Council received a written District Council Report from District Councillor Mr P Smith. (See filed aside). In response to question Councillor Smith said that:
He expected the final number of houses in the Local Plan to be set at between 9,500 and 13,450, but the outcome would depend upon the consultant’s work.
The Clerk suggested that the Council should submit its views on the boundary of the wards, affecting North Nibley. Following discussion the Council agreed that the status quo arrangement with 3 Councillors serving a Wotton under Edge/North Nibley ward was their preference. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mr Smith for his Report.
The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (See filed aside). Following a brief discussion the Chairman thanked Cllr. Cordwell for his report.
The Chairman invited Councillors to report on Committees and Meetings they had attended.
Mr Brown reported that he had received a telephone call from Radio Gloucestershire who wanted to do an item on North Nibley & Tyndale Monument.
The Council received a paper from the Clerk and a Report from County Highways on vehicle speeds’ and the current speed limit on B4060 (North Nibley to Wotton under Edge). The Clerk advised the Council that the report provided the potential to reduce the speed limit from 50 mph to 40 mph.
County Councillor Cordwell reminded the Council of his offer to provide £1k of support to the Parish, from his Councillor Highways budget. Councillors pointed out that to meet the estimated cost of this proposal (£2k to £5k) the Council would need to increase the Precept in 2015/16 and that they did not consider this to be a good use of parishioners’ Council Tax.
Following consideration of the recommendations the Council agreed to note the Report and to take no further action.
Parish Council Finances.
The Clerk presented to the Council a statement of the Council’s current financial position. The Council accepted the statement.
The Clerk presented a Schedule of Payments and Invoices. The Council approved the payments on the Schedule and signed cheques to make payments.
The Council agreed that they should hold Informal discussions about setting the 2015/16 Precept & Budget during October. Following discussion the Council agreed to meet at 7.00 pm on Monday 27 Ocober.
The Council agreed that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman should carry-out a half year check of the Council’s Accounts.
The Council discussed a request that it should place the Black Horse Inn on the Community Asset list held by Stroud DC. The Clerk explained the process. Councillors noted that there were potentially other properties in the Parish which should also be included. It was agreed that all potential Community Assets should be discussed before deciding on what action to take. The Clerk was asked to put the item on a future Agenda.
The Council received a verbal Cemetery Report. The Clerk advised the Council that he had requested that Garden Supplies should carry out some hedge trimming and tidy up the area adjoining the Garden of Remembrance.
The Council received for information details of Correspondence received. (See aside).
There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.35 pm.
Councillors were reminded that the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 13 October 2014 at 7.30 pm.