2015 |
Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman).
Mr K Brown; Mr S Hale; Mr K Larkin; Mr D Palmer; & Mr L Smitherman.
District Councillors: District Councillors Mrs J Cordwell; Mrs L Reeves; & Mr K Tucker.
.The Clerk: Mr R Symons.
There were three members of the public present.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. The Council received and accepted apologies from Councillor Mrs J Burton; and County Councillor Dr J Cordwell.
Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were none.
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 13 April 2015, as a true record. The Minutes of the April Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items. The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. He advised that:
He had not received a reply from Ms Trickey, Stroud DC, following the Council’s complaint about the handling of the solar farm planning application at Upper Wick. The Clerk advised the Council that he had that day sent her a further reminder (this time by post) copied to David Hagg, Chief Executive. The Clerk was asked to keep the Council informed by email/telephone and report back at the next meeting;
He had received an update from Karen Phimister (GRCC) on Affordable Housing. The report advised on progress made in identifying suitable land and contact made with the Planning Dept. (Stroud DC) and the landowners. He provided a written update for Councillors, which is filed aside;
PCSO King had attended the open morning on “Home Security” at the Village Hall on Saturday 25 April. There had been no take up from the public;
PCSO King has made arrangements for a “Wheeled Respect Operation” to be carried out in the Village;
Mark Patteson had sent information about a potential partial solution to broadband problems by providing a “rural wireless solution”;
Following his approach to Western Power he had received a verbal offer of “£250 as compensation for Clerk’s professional time and the disturbance to do this work”. The Council asked the Clerk to provide written confirmation at the next meeting and meanwhile to explore an improved offer;
The Council asked the Clerk to put the Sale of Breakheart Hill land on the August Agenda;
The Chairman closed the Meeting to enable members of the public to ask any questions.
One member of the public raised an issue about the speed of traffic in Barrs Lane, particularly in the area adjoining the Chapel where there is no pavement. The Council was asked about the possibility of getting the speed limit reduced to 20 mph. The Clerk explained that this had been previously discussed with County Highways, but had been rejected by Highways as not possible. The Clerk agreed to take up the issue with the new County Highways officer for the area. He also agreed to see if it was possible to obtain “20 is Plenty” signs for use by residents on their wheelie bins.
Another member of the public asked about the danger to pedestrians on the Cotswold Way crossing New Road at Stancombe. The Council was asked about the possibility of installing warning signs on New Road. It was pointed out that there are already signs there. Nevertheless the Clerk agreed to raise this at his Highways Meeting.
Finally the Council was asked about the suggestion made at the Annual Parish Meeting about the School being asked to hold a competition for children to design a speed sign for the Village. The Clerk said he understood that the police had arrangements in hand. At the Clerk’s suggestion the Council agreed to fund a gift voucher (value £25) for the winner of the competition.
There being no further public questions the Chairman re-opened the Meeting.
(a) The Council noted that Planning Consent has been granted in respect of:
S.15/0250/FUL. Daisy Farm, Daisy Green Lane, Howley, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7PF. New access drive, change of use and replacement dwelling. The Parish Council had discussed this at the March Meeting.
(b) The Council noted that the following CPE application has received Planning Consent:
S.15/0326/CPE. Brookside Cottage, Park Lane, Stancombe, Dursley, Gloucestershire, GL11 6AY. The use of land for the stationing of a mobile home within the curtilage of a dwelling, for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the property known Brookside Cottage. The Council had discussed this at the April Meeting.
(c) The Council noted that Planning Consent has been Refused in respect of:
S.15/0510/FUL. Ashen Plains, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley, Dursley, Gloucestershire, GL11 6EF. Formation of new access and associated works. The Council had discussed this at the April Meeting.
The Chairman welcomed District Councillor Ken Tucker and congratulated him on his recent election to Stroud District Council.
The Council received and discussed District Councillor Lesley Reeves’ Report. Councillor Mrs Reeves added that the Annual Meeting of the District Council would be held on Thursday 14 May. There were no questions for Councillor Reeves. The Chairman thanked Councillor Reeves for her report.
The Council received a written Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. Councillor Cordwell was not present, having previously presented his apologies. It was noted from Cllr. Cordwell’s report that progress was being made on Wood Lane.
The Chairman invited Parish Councillors to report back on Committees and Meetings they had attended.
Councillor Larkins reported that the Recreation Field Trust AGM was due to be held on 19 May.
Councillor Brown reported on an informal meeting between the trustees of the Knoll Trust and representatives of the Parish Council. It was noted that although good progress on clearing the scrub areas around the edges of the Knoll had been made, the contractor had not yet completed the clearance work. An issue about access to the Knoll by horse riders, cyclists and other users had been raised. It was agreed that a formal meeting between the Trustees and the Council should be arranged to discuss what action should be taken and what policies should be developed. It was also agreed that future discussions at Parish Council should also engage representatives of the user groups.
The Council received and made decisions on the Finance Report.
The Council discussed the arrangements for Parish Council Insurance for 2015/16. Following consideration the Council agreed to commit the Council to a 3 year fixed premium deal which reduced the annual Premium Renewal for 1 June 2015 from £278.95 to £265.00. The premium for the following two years would be set at £265.00.
The Council noted that the half-yearly repayment of the Pavilion Loan was paid by Direct Debit to PWLB on 1 May 2015.
The Council noted that the first half of the Precept and Local Council Support Allowance was credited to the Council’s Current Bank A/C on 1 May 2015.
The Council were advised that the Parish Council’s End of Year Accounts were in the process of being submitted for internal audit.
The Council approved the Invoices and drew up cheques for the three items on the enclosed Payments Schedule.
The Council received a verbal Cemetery & Churchyard Reports from the Clerk.
The Clerk presented an application on behalf of Mr Ronald Keynton (deceased) for a memorial to be erected in the Cemetery. The Clerk read out the dimensions and inscription which was approved by the Council.
The Clerk advised the Council that:
a tree in the Churchyard, near the gate, had fallen and had been removed by a contractor on instructions from the Clerk.
The grass to the left side of the Churchyard had been cut by TW Hawkins & Sons SGMS. This had fully met the requirements of St Martin’s PCC.
The Clerk was asked to make arrangements for the grass to be cut around the Jubilee Tree at the junction of The Street/Lower House Lane
Councillor Palmer advised the Council that he had trimmed the ash trees alongside the fence of the Cemetery.
The Council received for information a written report on Correspondence received since the last Meeting. (See report aside).
In response to the last bullet point on the Report the Council asked the Clerk to keep in touch with Alkington PC regarding the proposed solar farm at Actrees Solar Farm.
The Clerk reported on a letter received from Ms Kathryn White, a student at university in Manchester, who proposed carrying out research into the 20 local men who died in the First World War and are commemorated on the Village War Memorial. The Council welcomed the interest and asked the Clerk to invite Ms White to the June Meeting when it could discuss the proposal more fully.
The Clerk issued Acceptance of Office Forms for completion by Parish Councillors present at the Meeting. Six forms were duly signed and witnessed by the Clerk.
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 8.45 pm.
The Annual Meeting of the new Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 1 June 2015 at 7.30 pm.