2015 |
Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman).
Mr K Brown; Mrs J Burton; & Mr D Palmer.
District Councillors: Mrs J Cordwell; Mrs L Reeves; & Mr K Tucker.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.
The Clerk: Mr R Symons.
The Burial Clerk: Mrs M King
There were no members of the public present.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. The Council received and accepted apologies from Mr S Hale; Mr K Larkin; & Mr L Smitherman.
Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were none.
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 3 August 2015, as a true record. The Minutes of the August Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items. The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. He advised that:
the Clerk has arranged to meet with PCSO King to agree an appropriate site for the winning posters of the speed awareness competition;
the white lining in the vicinity of the road junction at the bottom of Frog Lane has been completed;
he has been advised that white lining in area of Barrs Lane is on order;
he has written to village organisations in connection with their offers to assist with the funding of a defibrillator in the Village. (Letter was copied to Councillors);
he has registered the Council with British Heart Foundation and awaiting contact from the Ambulance Service. (Documentation has been sent to Councillors);
he met with the Clerk at Kingswood PC and found out more about their Community Speed Watch. The equipment costs around £1,000, but can in the first instance be borrowed from the police. The Village would need around 8 to 10 volunteers to sign up for the Group and to make an impact it is advised that checks are carried out on monthly basis for each stretch of road. Following some discussion the Clerk agreed to take this matter forward;
he had not progressed arrangements for a public meeting on Affordable Housing as the Council is awaiting progress on discussions about Enterprise Inns site before being sufficiently aware of the way ahead;
he has spoken to the Chairman of Hillesley PC about their Affordable Housing plans and discovered they are in a similar position to North Nibley PC;
he had contacted Highways about the hedgerow of Willow House, Smarts Green which was reported as encroaching on the verge of the highway. The Clerk was advised the matter is a fly tipping issue (Stroud DC) and he reported it to Neighbourhood Warden;
the Chairman & The Clerk have yet to carry out a review of the condition of the trees and headstones in the Cemetery. Date now arranged;
he has written to County Rights of Way about the fallen tree in Wood Lane. Indications are that Rights of Way will attend to it.
The Council received and discussed the following planning application:
S.15/2051/HHOLD. The Nook Vernals Lane, Swinhay, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7PJ. Extension and alterations to dwelling. Removal of conservatory. Erection of two storey extension, entrance porch and internal works.
Following discussion the Council agreed to make “No Comments”.
The Council noted that Planning Permission has been granted on the following application:
S.15/1601/FUL. The Old Dairy Millend Lane, North Nibley, Gloucestershire, GL11 6ED. Repair and conversion of traditional barn buildings to a single dwelling; COU from agricultural to Class C3.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.
There being no members of the public present the Chairman re-opened the Meeting.
The Council received and discussed District Councillor Mrs June Cordwell’s Report. (See Report aside). It was ascertained that there are no District Council owned garages in the Parish. There being no questions, the Chairman thanked Councillor Cordwell for her report.
The Council received a written Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (See Report aside). There were no questions for Councillor Cordwell. The Chairman thanked Councillor Cordwell for his report.
The Chairman invited Parish Councillors and the Clerk to report back on Committees and Meetings they had attended.
The Clerk advised the Council that he had been approached by Severn Trent Water about installing a water meter on the Council’s Breakheart Hill field.
Parish Council Finances.
The Council received and approved the bank reconciliation statement. See attached;
The Council approved the four Invoices and drew up cheques for items on the enclosed Schedule of Payments;
The Council agreed to meet on Monday 9 November to hold exploratory discussions about setting the 2015/16 Precept & Budget;
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman arranged to meet the Clerk on 2 October to carry-out half yearly checks of the Council’s Accounts.
The Council noted that the external Auditors have approved the Annual Return for year ending 31 March 2015, without comment.
The Council approved arrangements for a floral tribute to be placed in the Garden of remembrance at the Cemetery.
The Council received for information details of Correspondence received.
(See attached).
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.20 pm.
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 5 October 2015 at 7.30 pm.