2015 |
Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman). Mr K Brown; Mrs J Burton; Mr K Larkin; Mr D Palmer; & Mr L Smitherman.
District Councillor: Mrs L Reeves.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.
The Clerk: Mr R Symons.
There were no members of the public present.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies were accepted from Mr S Hale; Dist. Cllr. Ken Tucker & Dist. Cllr. Mrs June Cordwell.
Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. Councillor Brown declared an interest in Agenda Item 6.
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 2 November 2015, as a true record. The Minutes of the November Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items. The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. He advised that:
Three further parishioners have volunteered to join the proposed Community Speed Watch. As this is still insufficient to make the group viable the Council, as previously agreed will reconsider this matter at the Annual Parish Meeting, when the public will be in attendance;
He has written to St Martin’s PCC about the ivy on the wall at St Martin’s Churchyard. The PCC reply has been copied to Councillors. The matter is for further discussion in Agenda Item 18;
The Chairman & Vice-Chairman have inspected the Council’s Breakheart Hill land and carried out some work to clear it. The Clerk has contacted Severn Trent Water who confirmed that the “aerial” protruding from the water mains is in place to enable them to remotely monitor water pressure in the system;
Mud on road to Upper Wick has been reported to Stroud Planning. The Enforcement team have contacted the developer and they have cleaned the road;
An email has been received from Mr White (Millmans Farm) regarding his voluntary contribution towards equipment at the Recreation Field.
There was nothing further to report on affordable housing.
Councillors expressed concern that Severn Trent Water had taken action (see above) without first obtaining the Council’s permission.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions. There being no members of the public present, the Chairman re-opened the Meeting.
Councillor Brown left the room at this point in the Meeting.
The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Application:
S.15/2608/FUL. Valley Farm, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley, Gloucestershire. Full Planning Permission. Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling.
The applicant was present and provided the Council with additional information; and answered the Council’s questions relating to the application.
During its discussions the Council took into account the following policies from the recently adopted Stroud Local Plan:
ES3 - Amenity & Highways;
CP15 – A quality living and working countryside;
ES7 – Landscape character;
ES12 – Design;
CP14 – High quality sustainable development.
The Council agreed to make the following comments:
Should the Local Planning Authority decide to agree Permission the building should have an “agricultural tie” linked attached to it.
Any Permitted Development Rights should be removed.
It was noted the applicant has offered such conditions in their Design and Access Statement.
Councillor Brown returned to the Meeting following conclusion of discussions on the application.
The Council noted that Permission has been granted in respect of:
S.15/2244/CPL. Bird Farm, Stancombe, Dursley, Gloucestershire, GL11 6AY. Installation of two poly tunnels. The Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council had objected to this application for a Certificate Proposed Lawful Use/Development. He reminded the Council of the grounds for the Council’s Objection. Councillors expressed surprise that the Parish Council Objection had been ignored.
S.15/2347/HHOLD. Southwold House, Wotton Road, North Nibley, Dursley. Householder Application. Retrospective application for erection of garden office/hobbies room.
The Clerk reported on progress made on taking forward arrangements towards improving the broadband service. He reported a public meeting had been arranged for Friday 5 February at the Village Hall for the MP and representatives from Fastershire and BT/Openreach. The Meeting will start at 6.00 pm. The Clerk outlined his plans for publicising the meeting.
The Clerk presented a paper on Defibrillator developments since the November Meeting (see aside). Following discussions and consideration of material presented by the Clerk, the Council approved arrangements for the purchase of a cabinet to house the defibrillator at the Village Hall.
The Clerk advised the Council that he had received equipment and materials for CPR training. He reported that he was in discussion with the Village Hall about putting on training for volunteers.
The Council asked the Clerk to investigate how a First Responder could be appointed and trained. The Clerk will contact South West Ambulance Service for advice.
The Clerk reported on the latest funding situation. The Village Hall based defibrillator is fully funded by a grant from North Nibley Music Festival.
The Recreation Field Trust has indicated to the Council that they intend to fund a defibrillator to be based at the pavilion.
The Clerk reported further funding, currently available to the Council, was insufficient to fully fund the proposal of a defibrillator at the BT ‘phone box at Pittcourt. The Council decided to delay a decision on any plans to locate a defibrillator there.
The Clerk provided the Council with information he had received from Stroud DC in relation to recreational facilities for the Parish which could be funded by Section 106 payments from developers. The Council discussed the 5 recreation projects in the Parish and following discussion agreed information to be sent to Stroud DC.
Councillor Brown provided a verbal update on arrangements for fencing the land on the Knoll. Natural England would be providing a grant but the work needed to be completed by August 2016. The Knoll Trust would be arranging for a contractor to do the work, as the majority is for fencing around the Trust’s land. There would be some cost to the Council, but how much was unclear.
Councillor Brown also outlined the Trust’s thoughts on establishing viewing points from the Hill. He suggested that clarification was required whether felling the trees on Wood Lane bank would require permission.
The Council had not received a written District Council Report prior to the meeting. District Councillor Mrs. Reeves informed the Council that Stroud DC had adopted the Local Plan. Following the Meeting the Clerk received and distributed a written report from District Councillor Mrs. Cordwell. (See aside).
The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (See aside). The Chairman thanked Cllr. Cordwell for his report.
The Chairman invited Parish Councillors to report on Committees and Meetings they had attended.
Councillor Smitherman brought to the Council’s attention that Gloucestershire County Council policy on school transport meant that children from parts of the Parish, attending KLB School at Wotton, were required to pay for their transport whilst others received free transport. The boundary lies somewhere along Barrs Lane and applies to children from Forthay, Pittcourt, Millend and Waterley Bottom. Moreover, it was claimed that children from this part of the Parish attending Rednock School at Dursley would qualify for a taxi service paid for by Gloucestershire County Council Following discussion, the Clerk was asked to write to Gloucestershire County Council to challenge the arrangement as the application of the policy was divisive, with children from this parish who had attended the local primary school, being treated differently.
Councillor Burton asked what had happened following the Clerk reporting the erection of a barn in a field in Nibley Green. The Clerk said he had received no reply to his email. He would follow up with Stroud DC Planning Department.
Councillor Palmer had attended a meeting of the Monument Trust. He provided an update on arrangements for celebrations of the 150th anniversary on 1 October 2016.
Parish Council Finances.
The Clerk provided information on the Council’s Provisional Budget for 2016/17, along with comparisons against the current budget. (See aside). The Clerk advised the Council that they would need to adopt the Budget at the February 2016 Meeting.
The Clerk advised the Council that a request for a voluntary contribution had been received from Stroud DC for the Neighbourhood Warden Service. The Clerk reminded Councillors that service levels had fallen significantly short of what had previously been experienced. An email recently received from the senior warden assuring all parishes that efforts were being made to recover the service to previous levels. Councillors expressed dissatisfaction with the level of service the Parish had experienced. Following discussion the Council agreed not to pay the voluntary contribution towards Stroud DC Neighbourhood Warden Service in 2015/16.
The Council approved the Invoices and drew cheques for items on the enclosed Payments Schedule.
Treecreeper Arbororists: For spraying ivy on the churchyard boundary wall. £95.00
British Heart Foundation: Payment for defibrillator which has been subsidised by a British Heart Foundation Grant. £400.00
T.W. Hawkins & Sons S.G.M.S.: Contract mowing at The Cemetery, period 20 August to 22 October 2015. £633.30
Defib Shop: Approval of a cheque to purchase a cabinet for the defibrillator. (See Minute 9/12/2015 above). £497.60
The Clerk reported back on the legal requirements for the Council, should it decide to sell its land at Breakheart Hill.
He advised the Council that:
The Council can only act with the consent of the parish meeting. S.127 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 provides that a local council, acting with the consent of the parish meeting, may dispose of any land held by them in any manner they wish, but subject to the restrictions set out below.
Before making a disposal the Council must seek professional valuation advice, either from the District Valuer or a surveyor, for which the Council will have to pay a fee. Should the Council seek to dispose of the land at an undervalue, a valuation report must accompany an application to Secretary of State.
Once terms are provisionally agreed, the Council should engage a local solicitor to undertake the conveyancing procedures.
The Council agreed that Councillor Brown should seek to establish an estimated value for the land and report back to a future meeting.
The Clerk advised the Council that the Cemetery rates were last reviewed and increased in February 2015. Following a brief discussion the Council asked the Clerk to review rates and draw comparisons with other Cemeteries in the area.
The Clerk advised the Council about the exchange of correspondence with St Martin’s PCC. The PCC will be continuing to carryout grass cutting as previously. The Clerk had advised that the ivy on the boundary wall had been treated and requested that the PCC did not take any action to remove the ivy as this could affect the wall structure. He informed the Council the wall may need a further treatment.
The Council received for information details of Correspondence received. See attached.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.20 pm.
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 4 January 2016 at 7.30 pm.