2016 |
Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman). Mr K Brown; Mrs J Burton; Mr S Hale; Mr D Palmer; & Mr L Smitherman.
District Councillors: Mr K Tucker; Mrs J Cordwell & Mrs L Reeves.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.
The Clerk: Mr R Symons.
There were no members of the public present.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies were received and accepted from Mr K Larkin.
Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were no Declarations of Interest.
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 7 December 2015, as a true record. The Minutes of the December Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items. The Clerk referred to his Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. He advised that:
He had further reported mud on road to Upper Wick to Stroud Planning & County Highways (copied to Councillors);
He had written to Mr White (Millmans Farm) regarding his voluntary contribution towards equipment at the Recreation Field;
He had contacted South West Ambulance Service for advice on First Responders. The Clerk advised that he would report further under Agenda item 9;
He had written to Recreation Field Trust regarding their decision to fund the defibrillator for the pavilion;
He had written to Gloucestershire County Council regarding the application of their policy on school transport. Letter was copied to Councillors and a response was awaited;
County Councillor John Cordwell advised the Council that he had written to Glos.CC for more information about the pupils affected by this policy decision. The Council decided to await a reply before taking further action;
He had followed up the erection of a barn in a field in Nibley Green. Stroud DC Planning Department advised that the barn was approved in an agricultural notification under S.13/2248/AGR. Subsequently the Clerk had responded pointing out the Council was not consulted in 2013 and pointing out that consent without local consultation can have an adverse impact on the landscape (AONB) and cause concern to local residents. (Copied to Councillors);
Councillors Brown & Purnell had met with a surveyor to establish an estimated value for the land at Breakheart Hill. Further discussion and decision under Item 8;
He would report back on Cemetery rates at the February Meeting;
He had checked the ivy on the boundary wall and contacted Graham Beer requesting him to further treat the ivy;
He had informed “On The Edge” readers that Parish Council grants will be available to apply for by 29 February.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions. There being no members of the public present, the Chairman re-opened the Meeting without further discussion.
The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Application:
S.15/2802/HHOLD Waterley House, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley, Dursley, Gloucestershire, GL11 6EF. New roof and alterations to existing Store/Garage building. Remove piggery to form new parking area. Following discussion by the Council and a full consideration of the planning application the Council agreed to make “No Comments”.
The Council noted that S.15/2608/FUL. Valley Farm, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley, Gloucestershire. Full Planning Permission. Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling, has been withdrawn by the Applicant.
The Council received from Councillors Brown & Purnell a verbal report back on their meeting with a surveyor at the Council’s Breakheart Hill land. The Council was informed that the land registration with the Land Registry required the boundary to be corrected. The Clerk agreed to progress this matter. Councillors Brown & Purnell were advised the land value could be between £25,000 to £30,000. The Agent suggested selling the land through an Auction in the Spring. The Council had been advised that the permission of the Parish Meeting would be required in order to sell the land. The Council agreed to put the matter on the April Parish Meeting Agenda. The Council also agreed to draw up a range of projects which it could support from the money generated by the sale. Suggestions included essential works at the Cemetery and on the Council land on the Knoll. The Clerk agreed to put together ideas, as far as possible to cost them and to bring them to the next Meeting.
It was also suggested that the Council hold an open day to enable parishioners to see the land in advance of the April Parish Meeting.
Councillor Brown reported that Cllr. Larkin had suggested that a covenant should be placed on the use made of the land as he considered that the Council had a responsibility to ensure the land was not misused. The Clerk was asked to investigate this further and to check out the history of this land and how it came into the Council’s ownership.
After further discussion the Council agreed that subject to a satisfactory resolution of all these matters that the Council should obtain a detailed valuation and place the land on the market for sale.
The Clerk reported on progress towards defibrillator and associated CPR training. He advised the Council that the defibrillator and its cabinet had been ordered and delivery was awaited. He informed the Council that following the December meeting he had spoken to the Ambulance Service Trust to seek advice on First Responders. He added that the Trust advised that the best way ahead was for the Council to run training events on Call Push Rescue (CPR) and advice on how to access and use the defibrillator. In an emergency a 999 call should be made to the Ambulance Service. If possible someone should collect the defibrillator and receive instructions by ’phone on how to use it. The Clerk was advised to use the training DVD and equipment provided by British Heart Foundation. The Council agreed that once the defibrillator is installed the Clerk should organise training events in the Village Hall. Suggestions were made about local people who would be equipped to deliver the training. Councillors agreed to approach parishioners and advise the Clerk. It was also agreed that the Council should be first to be CPR trained as this should encourage others to volunteer.
The Council received a written District Council Report from a District Councillor Ken Tucker. (See aside). Cllr. Tucker spoke about the forthcoming changes in rubbish & recycling collection for the District. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Tucker for his report.
The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (See aside). At the request of Cllr. Cordwell Parish Councillors provided information about mobile ‘phone services in the parish. This was provided to inform Cllr. Cordwell in preparation for a forthcoming meeting between Gloucestershire County Council and mobile ‘phone service providers. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Cordwell for his report.
The Chairman invited Councillors and the Clerk to provide information on Committees and Meetings they had attended.
Councillor Palmer reported that Gloucestershire Archives have received a lottery grant to carry out the improvements to their service which he brought to the Council’s attention at an earlier meeting.
The Clerk reported back on his attendance at the Gloucestershire Charter Meeting at which there were presentations from a charity on mental health matters; and information about the current state of the County’s Highways.
The Clerk also reported on his attendance at a meeting at Stroud DC convened to discuss the arrangements for 2016/17 Budgets and Precepts. The Parish/Town Councils had been advised that Stroud DC would not be paying Local Council Tax Support for 2016/17, because of central government cuts to the District Budget. Changes to future services would be affected and wherever possible local councils were encouraged to take on services from the District. Arrangements for Precept were explained; and the Parish Council had secured a short extension to enable it to agree their Budget/Precept at the February Meeting. Finally whilst local councils would not be restricted in their Precept requirement, Stroud DC was also encouraging them to use their reserves in order to meet the financial requirements for 2016/17.
Parish Council Finances.
The Council received and approved the Parish Council Bank Reconciliation to end of November 2015. See aside.
The Council approved invoices and drew up cheques for the following items:
NALC: Registration fee for Local Council Award Scheme. £50.00
The Clerk: Salary quarter three 2015/16. £1,088.33
Post Office Ltd: Clerk’s PAYE quarter three 2015/16. £272.00
The Clerk: Clerk’s Expenses quarter three 2015/16. £ 142.14
The Clerk had nothing to report on the Cemetery.
The Clerk reported that he had spoken with Treecreeper Arborists about the ivy on the boundary wall and had instructed them to spray a further application to the ivy.
The Council received a draft list of suggestions for the Parish Meeting Agenda in April 2016. The Clerk was asked to draw up a final agenda for the Meeting.
The Council received for information details of Correspondence received by the Council. See list aside.
The Clerk brought to the Council’s attention future changes in audit arrangements for smaller councils. The Clerk advised on the changes and after discussion the Council decided not to opt out of the arrangements, which are being drawn up by Nalc & SLCC.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.50 pm.
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday
1 February 2016 at 7.30 pm.