Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman). Mr K Brown; Mrs J Burton; Mr S Hale; Mr K Larkin; Mr D Palmer.

District Councillors: Mrs C Braun

County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.

The Retiring Clerk: Mr R Symons

The New Clerk: Mrs E Oakley

There were no members of the public present.

The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.

  1. The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor L.Smitherman and District Councillor G Butcher.

  2. Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were none.

  3. The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 6 June 2016, as a true record. The Minutes of the June Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

  1. The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes not covered by agenda items. The Clerk referred to his Update Note which he spoke to at the Meeting. He advised:

  1. To consider and comment upon Planning Applications (none received).

  1. The Council noted that the following Planning Applications have been approved by Stroud DC Planning.

  1. The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.

There were no members of public present. The Chairman re-opened the Meeting without further discussion.

  1. (1)The Council received a written report from District Councillor G Butcher on behalf of the ward’s District Councillors. See Report aside. The Chairman thanked Cllr Butcher for a thorough report. He also noted that Cllr Catherine Braun, representing District Councillors at the Parish Council meeting, is also a representative on the Housing Committee.

(2)Cllr Braun confirmed the new arrangements for District Councillors attending Parish Council meetings as outlined by Ken Tucker in his email correspondence in May. The three District councillors have agreed a rotating timetable to attend Parish Council meetings. Consequently Cllr Tucker will attend the August Parish Council meeting.

  1. The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. The Chairman thanked Councillor Cordwell for his report. Councillor Cordwell added the addendum, that of the three UKIP members in the Forest of Dean, one has now become Conservative and one has become Independent.

  1. The Chairman invited Parish Councillors to report back on meetings they had attended.

Parish Councillor Ken Brown reported that the Knoll Trustees had received an offer of a donation if trees on the hill were cut so there is a better view of the monument from the cemetery, and some trees were cut near the border. Under discussion was also a small gate for cyclists. This would be discussed with Martin Howe. Natural England had expressed concern about cyclists running over rare plants. Fencing was the next main item and two or three price quotes for fencing were planned.

  1. Finances.

(1)The Council approved the following Invoices and drew up cheques for items submitted on the enclosed Payments Schedule.

(2)The Council noted and endorsed the decision taken by the Clerk to award a contract for works to St Martin’s Churchyard wall. Following consideration of three quotes from contractors, the Clerk awarded the work to:

The Clerk spoke to Gideon Ayres who confirmed he would commence the job on either the 4th or the 18th of July. The Clerk instructed him to proceed and also wrote to the two unsuccessful contractors to advise them of the Council’s decision.

(3)The Council agreed to pay the proceeds from the sale of the Breakheart Hill Land into the Council’s deposit account. Following discussion of the options it was agreed that the deposit account would receive the proceeds from the sale.

  1. (1)The Council received and approved a verbal Report on the Cemetery from the Clerk. The Council noted that two new plots had been sold and the proceeds banked. Brambles have been trimmed and trees, including ash, cut back. The Council planned to meet at the end of the summer 2016 with a view to setting up a sub committee to review cemetery issues.

(2).The Council received and decided upon a written report on St Martin’s Churchyard Closed. The Council acknowledged receipt of recent correspondence concerning the condition of the churchyard wall, especially the growth of ivy. The Clerk reported that he had been in touch with the contractor to request a further spraying of the ivy, but had not had a response to date. The Council agreed that the Chairman would arrange to meet the contractor on site as soon as possible. In the interim the new Clerk would undertake to write in response to the above correspondence to confirm the Council had approved an immediate meeting on site with the contractor to consider the points raised and take to action forward in July. The new Clerk also undertook to write separately to St Martin’s Churchyard Church Warden to inform her of the action taken above.

  1. The Council received for information details of Correspondence & Messages received. Following discussion of the report Councillors noted:

  1. On the retirement of the outgoing Clerk, a special presentation immediately followed the main Council meeting items in order to acknowledge Rex Symons’ work over the preceding eight years. On behalf of the Council, the Chairman in his address, offered special thanks to the retiring Clerk for his great commitment to and work on behalf of, the community. The Chairman presented the retiring Clerk with a glass decanter, a voucher to be redeemed at the Stinchcombe Golf Club shop and a card signed by the assembled councillors. The new Clerk, Elizabeth Oakley attended the presentation for the outgoing Clerk. She will take over the duties of Clerk with effect from the end of the Council meeting.

  1. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.50 pm.

The Chairman announced the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 1 August 2016 at 7.30 pm.