Present: Mr D Purnell (Chairman), Mrs J Burton; Mr S Hale; Mr K Larkin, Mr L Smitherman.

District Councillors: Mr K Tucker.

County Councillor:

The Clerk: Mrs E Oakley

One member of the public was present for part of the meeting

The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.

  1. The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies were received and accepted from Mr K Brown, Mr D Palmer, Mr J. Cordwell, Mr G Butcher, and Mrs C Braun.

  2. Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any Interests relating to this Meeting. There were no declarations of interest at this stage, but declarations of interest under Item 11 (6).

  3. The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 6th February as a true record. The Minutes of the February Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

  1. The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items.

The Clerk referred to her Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting. She advised:

  1. The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions. One member of the public in attendance raised the question of broadband services especially in the lower half of Frog Lane. Councillors noted the cabinet from the Yew Tree Public House at Stinchcombe comes from the Rugby Club. Cllr Les Smitherman informed councillors that the design from this cabinet to North Nibley is a very poor aluminium type with ten-fold the lag representing a big problem from Stinchcombe to North Nibley. There were also suspected a certain amount of properties outside the loop and about 60 properties may not benefit from current works.

The new Village Agent, Jane Creed, addressed the council to describe her role and remit. She has been in post since 16th January 2017, works ten hours a week and her post is funded by Gloucestershire Rural County Council and a GP Commissioning Group. Funding runs until the autumn when the project will go out to tender. She is working towards making herself known to older people and also to listen to their needs and concerns. Cards and posters are being distributed and a link to the Parish Council website is planned. The Clerk confirmed that the Village Agent is already included on the Community page, but would welcome an update now that Jane is new in post. The Village Agent works for older people, mostly aged over eighty in practice and tries to gain trust. The first couple of her clients had complex problems including needing help with medication and details of who to contact. The aim is to keep people as independent as possible. Councillors offered details of local events appropriate for older people that the new Village Agent could visit. For example, there are between eight and ten in the chapel on Wednesdays and a monthly lunch on Mondays. Lunch clubs help to stop social isolation especially now that statutory services are being cut.

The Chairman re-opened the Meeting without further discussion.

  1. The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Application:

S.17/0205/FUL Swinhay Small Holding, North Nibley, Gloucestershire. Application Type: Full Planning Permission. Description: Erection of Barn style Stabling and Ménage.

The Council objected to the application as it would result in an excessive intensification of the existing use which would adversely affect the amenities and landscape character of the adjoining area situated within an A.O.N.B. The size of the proposed development to include stabling and ménage facilities for 18 horses is more than could reasonably be regarded as for personal use only and would as a result lead to a commercialisation of the current use of the site leading to increased activity, traffic generation, and increased riding along the adjoining narrow lanes to the detriment of the safety and amenity of these lanes and change their rural is noted that the site is some distance from the nearest bridle path. The size of the proposed building is considered to be excessive in this locality and the proposed use of lighting to the ménage will be visually obtrusive and give rise to light pollution which is unacceptable in this rural locality. The Council also considers the scale of the proposal would give rise to problems of waste disposal which are not dealt with adequately and potential pollution of the watercourse crossing the site. Taking into account the above objections the Council considers the application to be contrary to a number of Local Plan policies but in particular Policies CP14 criteria 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,13 and14, ES3,ES4,ES7and ES9 and requests that planning permission be refused.

S.17/0232/COU, 4 Stancombe View, North Nibley, Dursley, Gloucestershire. Application Type: Change of Use, Description: Change of use of land from Agricultural to Residential Domestic garden.

Whilst the Council has no objection in principle to the proposed change of use it considers that due to the visual prominence of the enlarged curtilage conditions should be applied which restricts normal residential permitted development rights, especially class E, to ensure that any future proposals can be carefully considered by the local community.

  1. To note that the following Planning Application has been approved by Stroud DC Planning.

None to date

  1. To receive a written District Council Report. The Council received a written report from District Councillor K Tucker (verbally) on behalf of the ward’s District Councillors. (See Report aside). The Chairman thanked Councillor Tucker for the report who apologised for the length of the report, and also passed on Cllr Braun’s apologies for the meeting. He also said he would circulate the report widely and not necessarily solely through the Clerk. Cllr Tucker drew attention to items related to setting of budgets, Berkeley homes and broadband.

  1. To receive a written County Council Report. The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (See report aside). The Chairman thanked Councillor Cordwell for a useful report.

  1. To receive and discuss Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors and the Clerk. There were no items to report.

  1. Parish Council Finances.

  1. To approve the Invoices and draw up cheques for items on the enclosed Payments Schedule. (Final version to be issued at the Meeting) The Council received and approved:

Councillors agreed to defer payment until the April Council meeting of the GAPTC Annual Membership Subscription for 2017/18 to include the NALC element (6.73 pence)


11 (2) To consider quotes for scheduled work. (Final version to be issued at the Meeting)

Councillors considered the priced the work at North Nibley cemetery from James Storey for and on behalf of Storey Civil and Marine Ltd.

1/For the changes to the stone wall around the garden of remembrance, I have allowed for the removal of the southern arm, excavation of a shallow footing and for extending the wall using the stone available on site along the line we agreed. For this work I have allowed for labour, materials and plant:


2/The second part is to remove the existing tarmac paths and "roundabout", replace the existing concrete edgings, upgrade the stone sub base where necessary and install 50mm of 10mm asphalt on the paths and 75mm of 10mm asphalt on the roundabout. To provide Labour, plant and materials to complete the work will be: £11,690.00.

Councillors noted from the Chairman that when previous major work had been completed in the cemetery in 2013 the arrangement had been to split the work through a subcontractor to enable VAT to be reclaimed on part of the cost of the total project. The Clerk had details of the previous subcontractor from 2013. Cllr L Smitherman reminded councillors that three contractor quotes was normal practice when tendering for council projects. The Chairman informed councillors that he had also requested a quote for a membrane for the memorial garden. This was in the region of £500.00. The Chairman also informed councillors he had contacted two previous contractors. However, one who had previously completed work on cemetery paths had said that the cemetery work was now too large a job for him. Separately the chairman had met a steel fabricator who would quote for a gate at the bottom of Wood Lane similar to one (he had shown the contractor) at the top of warren hill. The contractor (items quoted above) will also provide a quote for the gate at the top of Warren Hill. He has measured the one in Wood Lane.

3/ To report on the Clerk’s attendance at Preparing for Audit session. The Clerk informed councillors she had attended the evening session on Preparing for Audit. This outlined the main dates and audit requirements. The external audit form requires completion by early June.

4/ To note new arrangements for internal audit. The Clerk informed councillors that Cllr D Palmer had spoken to the new proposed internal auditor who had agreed to take on the role and also speak to the retiring internal auditor about the role. The Clerk agreed to speak to Cllr D Palmer to see what had been said to the new internal auditor about the role. The Clerk informed councillors that the new internal auditor would require a statement of terms of reference, a letter of appointment and likely a discussion of fees.

5/To receive and note expenditure to date for financial year 2016/2017. (Final version to be issued at the Meeting). Councillors noted the Clerk’s summary of expenditure within the current financial year to early March. She identified some budget headings not spent to in full to include the cemetery and closed churchyard and also councillor’s training.

6/To receive, discuss and approve applications for Parish Council grants. (Report aside).

Councillors discussed the grant applications submitted and agreed the following allocations for the coming financial year, the Chairman having retired from the meeting during discussion of Item 7 on the schedule below. Cllr J Burton declared an interest in organisation at Item 9.


Main purpose

£s requested

£s agreed


Over 60’s club

Provide lunches for over 60s.




Website administration

North Nibley residents and visitors.




On The Edge

Produce monthly newsletter, including printing costs.




North Nibley Preschool

Building work to convert the preschool child’s toilets to meet Ofsted regulations.




Village Hall

Provision of full inductive loop system in main hall.




Village Hall

Contribution towards replacement of entrance hall and meeting room carpets.




Village Chapel

To install landline and get broadband (due to poor mobile coverage) and to assist elderly in using computers.




NN Church of England Primary School.

Replacement of worn noticeboard outside school used by the public.

Any amount up to total cost of £595 plus VAT.



Tyndale Monument Trust

1/Information board at the bottom of Wood Lane. 2/Update lightening conductor on the monument.

As much as the Parish Council consider appropriate”.


Councillors also wished to award £50.00 to the Talking Newspaper but were unclear if this service still operated. The Clerk agreed to research whether this organisation was still in existence.

Councillors discussed the format for the grant application form and considered that more specifics were needed in order to fairly evaluate the applications. Cllr L Smitherman informed councillors that more information was needed at an earlier stage in the year during January and for the form to be redesigned. Cllr Tucker referred to examples at District level whereby the questions, “What is the total cost?” and “What can you contribute?” were incorporated into the grant application process which commenced at the end of January and early February.

12/To receive and approve Cemetery and Closed Churchyard Reports. (Report aside)

Councillors noted the Clerk had been informed by the Burial Clerk she has received enquiries for the reservation of two new double burial plots. Following recent high winds, the Clerk inspected the cemetery on Friday 24th February and removed two large and up to fifteen smaller to medium branches from graves and grave sides. There is evidence of further animal diggings especially under the line of trees at the rear. Judging by the size and shape of holes, these are probably badger diggings as before, rather than mole works. Snowdrops were abundant on some graves. The Clerk had been informed by the Memorial Company they will receive the new Celtic cross memorial at their Bristol offices during April. The date for the erection on the grave is likely to be during April or May. The Burial Clerk has offered to attend on the day the cross is erected. The Clerk has informed the memorial company of her offer as well as supplying them with plot number details. The Burial Clerk had submitted her invoice (Agenda item 11). The Clerk and Chair had discussed whether this be included on the March or April agendas. A decision was made to include it on the March schedule of payments.

13/To consider arrangements for the 2017 Village Clean-Up day. (Report aside). Councillors noted Cllr Palmer’s report listing suggested territories by section of the parish or hamlet for the Village Clean Up Day. This listing was similar to previous years with suggested areas for families and others for adults. The Clerk noted from councillors that the District Council will collect bags of collected litter and waste on the Monday after the Clean Up Day. Cllr L Smitherman agreed to tackle rubbish in the Waterley Bottom area. Cllr J Burton sent her apologies for the event. Cllr S Hale confirmed he would attend.

14/To note update on Broadband and mobile issues. (Final version to be issued at the Meeting). Councillors noted that Cllr D Palmer had attended a meeting as a Parish Council representative on the 20th February. The meeting had been convened with senior Openreach managers and had overall been a positive event with reassurance received that fibre broadband is on track to be installed within the Parish.

15/To receive a report on Speed Awareness Project Planning. (Report aside).The Clerk summarised the details of the new scheme. Gloucestershire launched a new speed awareness scheme in 2016. Mike Trebble provides training for all Gloucestershire volunteers. Six volunteers are the minimum for a local speed awareness group to be viable. (Two teams of three). There is no maximum number. Volunteers would need new training, even if they had been trained previously as speed watch volunteers, as the new scheme has been launched. Training can be arranged in the North Nibley Village Hall and then out on-site on the same day as part of the same session. Site/s for monitoring speed to be selected by the volunteers. These sites need to be signed off as Police approved. The Clerk confirmed she has ordered the speed gum and associated equipment as per the schedule tendered to the Police and Crime Commissioner by the previous Clerk. She would also forward details of the new Speed project to On The Edge to encourage volunteers to come forward. The Clerk undertook to contact the trainer Mike Trebble to determine dates he would be available for the initial training in April or May.

The Clerk summarized other key aspects of the new Speed Awareness project. It now runs to a more standardized format in terms of the volunteer training and the logging of speed data. It also gives local volunteers a good deal of choice of how often they would wish to monitor traffic to include the times of day and the period of time to be monitored. The minimum period of time for a team to be monitoring at any one time is 1 hour. The emphasis of the new 2016 county speed program is on the collection of speed data rather than noting of vehicle registrations. However, in some cases these latter can be collected and forwarded for Police attention. These procedures will be covered in the initial training sessions for volunteers which will last between one and a half hours and two hours in the village hall.

Cllr J Burton offered to contact the Parish Clerk at Wickwar convene a meeting between herself, the Clerk and the Clerk at Wickwar to help with the community engagement aspects of the new project. Wickwar Parish Council had a successful local record in running Speed Awareness projects and were willing to share their expertise.

Cllr L Smitherman informed councilors that the previous speed awareness notices put up in the Parish by the former Clerk had blown in half and needed removal.

16/To receive for information details of Correspondence received. (Final version to be issued at the Meeting). The Clerk informed councillors she had received of the Stroud District Community Infrastructure Levy to include the new schedule of payments, reminders from the Pensions regulator declaration of compliance deadline of 30th June and details of the Parliamentary Lobby Day, 28th March. The National Association of Local Councils’ (NALC) advocacy programme aimed at promoting parish and town councils in Parliament and involves representatives of county associations, such as GAPTC, and NALC were due to meet Members of Parliament.

Councillor L Smitherman reported to councillors a large lump believed to be one or two washing machines at Old Hollow, Devil’s Elbow. The Clerk agreed to report the fly tipping to the Neighbourhood Warden. Cllr L Smitherman reported to councillors that trees were resting against a property in Binley Lane. The Clerk agreed to report this incident to Highways.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25 pm.

The next meeting will be the Annual parish Meeting on the 3rd April at 7.00 pm and this will be followed by the Parish Council Meeting.