Present: Mr Ken Brown (chair), Mrs J Burton, Mr D Palmer, Mr D Purnell, and Mr R Symons.
Mrs J Palmer (Burial Clerk) attended part of the meeting. Two members of the public attended part of the meeting.
District Councillors: Ms C Braun, Mr K Tucker.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell
The Clerk: Mrs E Oakley
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies had been received from Cllr K Larkin and District Cllr Mr G Butcher.
Declaration of Interests. There were no declarations of interest.
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 3rdth December 2018 as a true record. The Minutes of the December Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
4. The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items.
Precept. The clerk reported she had submitted the precept form for 2019/20 financial year.
Trees quotations for work identified from surveys. The clerk had now received detailed quotations from three contractors and informed them quotes would be a February agenda item.
Resigned councillor. The clerk had written to thank him for his work on behalf of the council.
Parish Plan. The clerk had received and forwarded data from a Planning Strategy officer to assist in the review.
Wood Lane. The resident opposite had agreed to monitor and let the clerk know of the on-going condition of the lane.
April 2019 meetings. As the room was available the annual meeting and monthly parish meeting are rescheduled to 8th April 2019. The 1st April date is cancelled. The clerk had amended the council website and meetings listings.
Council and village hall communications. The clerk will submit a schedule of council meetings for 2019 to the village hall committee. This information to be uploaded to their website as they had requested.
The council response to the district authority Statement of community Involvement was sent to meet the deadline. The formatted response to the Stroud District Local Plan Review and Emerging Strategy Public Consultation is due to be sent by deadline of 18th January.
The Police Community Support Officer has written to say she is covering the area and would like to link up at a future date.
Parish phone box, Pittcourt. The clerk received confirmation an engineer would deal with the request a sign be placed in the box in December explaining callers can use credit/debit cards.
Notice of Public Path closure. The clerk had received an Extinguishment Order Notice for footpath CNN 32 at Nibley Knoll. The notice would be advertised in Gazette on 29th December 2018 and notices posted on site for six weeks.
Film Company. Cllr K Brown had received a further request from the same film company as the previous autumn. He had secured a further payment of £50 for filming for each of the three organisations involved. £50 income is therefore due to NNPC.
Neighbourhood Warden had advised he continues to patrol the quarry, the monument area and also checked the cemetery on several occasions within the last month.
5. The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.
A school governor and supporting colleague made a short presentation on North Nibley C of E school’s strategy for a classroom development as a new meetings space, explaining the current school building capacity offered limited space for breakout activities. There were also rising expectations in education for differentiation between groups of different abilities who needed separate spaces. Schools were becoming more competitive with finances relying on pupil intake and before and after school care was a growth area for school activities. Overall the planned project for breakout space was costed at one hundred thousand pounds and quotes had been received from four companies. Seventy five per cent funding had been achieved to date to include from governor investments, bonds and grant funding. Councillors agreed school and community are interlinked and invited school representatives to attend the annual parish meeting in April to talk to the community about the school project. The clerk undertook to make contact for the arrangements before the meeting.
The Chairman re-opened the Meeting without further discussion.
The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Applications:
Application Number: S.18/2582/FUL Location: North Nibley Church Of England Primary School, The Street, North Nibley, Dursley. Application Type: Full Planning Application Description: Erection of detached, timber-framed flat-roofed classroom building for D1 educational use.
The council agreed to support the application.
Application Number: S.18/2534/LBC Location: Long Barn, Millmans Farm,Wotton Road, North Nibley. Application Type: Listed Building Application Description: Alter high window to form longer window with timber panel below.
The clerk advised this application had recently been withdrawn.
The Council noted the following Planning Application decisions by Stroud DC Planning:
Application Number: S.18/1729/FUL. Swinhay Small holding, North Nibley, New agricultural and equine barn, conversion of existing stables into tool and machine sheds. Permission.
Application Number: S.18/2123/HHOLD. 12 Highlands Drive, North Nibley, Single storey extension to dwelling. Permission.
Application Number: S.18/2327/LBC. The Old Stables, Millman’s Farm, Wotton Road, North Nibley. Revised scheme included as part of previously approved application S.16/2228/LBC of alternations to stable and store. Consent.
The Council received a written District Council Report. The Council received a written report from District Cllr Ken Tucker. The chairman thanked Cllr K Tucker for his full report.
The Council received a written County Council Report. The council received a written report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. The chairman thanked Cllr J Cordwell for his report.
To receive and discuss Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors and the Clerk.
Cllr K Brown reported receipt of a more competitive quote than previous for trees work at Wood Lane. This had been accepted by Sarah Macaulay-Lowe with the work planned for 14th January 2019.
Cllr K Brown also informed councillors two more trees have come down in the area but were lying on the bank and were not dangerous. If other trees in the area were removed this would create an improved view of the monument.
Cllr K Brown advised that matters as regards the shop were moving forward with interest from one applicant. There was additionally another applicant interested if the first does not work out.
Cllr K Brown reported longstanding rubbish scattered over the road for six months outside a property in Waterley Bottom. The clerk agreed to contact the Neighbourhood Warden to liaise with the chair and then view the site.
Cllr D Palmer was due to attend an information meeting the following day on the district authority Emerging Strategy document and consultation exercise.
Parish Council Finances:
1/The council approved the Invoices and drew up cheques for items on the enclosed Payments Schedule.
Cemetery water supply, 6th September 18 to 20th December 18. £19.49
11/2 To consider quotes for scheduled work. The clerk reported she had contacted three contractors for quotations for tree work and all three had been received and would be considered at the February council meeting. As this was a detailed comparison of work tree by tree the clerk would create a table for comparison item by item.
11/3 To consider and approve budget for 2019/20. The clerk informed councillors the budget document was as that presented at the December meeting but which now included the additional item of costs of signage at the quarry. This document for financial year 2019/20 required formatting and presenting at the next council meeting for approval.
11/4 To approve Clerks’ quarterly pay and expenses. Clerk’s quarter 3 pay and expenses for 2018/2019 financial year were approved.
12.To receive and approve Cemetery and Closed Churchyard Reports . The Burial Clerk reported Mr Gilbert John Hale will be buried on the 7th of January in a new plot in the cemetery, the headstone for Oliver Pain is now installed, and she had met a family with relatives who are buried in an unmarked grave. This plot has never been purchased.
The Burial Clerk and Cllr D Palmer had started to clear ivy from around the large tree stumps. There are plans to purchase a small receptacle for broken glass for visitors to use rather than disposal in the main bin. There were more than average amounts of floral tributes at Christmas and snow drops out early.
Councillors discussed the application from Mrs Carter for the above headstone and plinth in the case where the original grave (Mr and Mrs Forty) had not been purchased. This was not unusual going back over the generations and a current arrangement needed to be reached. Councillors agreed to charge one third of the price of the purchased plot and at the local parishioner’s rate. Councillors also agreed the cemetery regulations needed amendment to reflect the pricing rate for unpurchased graves.
The burial clerk had met the grave digger recently with reference to a good amount of soil laid on an existing four graves Whilst he said he would re-seed, councillors agreed the soil should be removed from site according to the regulations. The clerk undertook to write to Clutterbucks in consultation with the Burial Clerk to inform them of the requirement to remove soil from the site.
Cllr D Palmer reported little change in the churchyard except for one small fallen tree which is leaning on a tomb. This is rotten and will be easy to cut up but probably of no further use. There are also small fallen branches scattered around, some of which he had gathered up.
Councillors agreed that due to recent growth it was outstanding to contact the previous contractor to further treat the ivy on the wall.
13.To consider proposals for cemetery headstone dimensions. Councillors discussed the schedule of measurements of existing headstones presented by Cllr D Palmer. The proposed table of sizes showing both standard and maximum sizes was agreed. The table needed to be incorporated into cemetery regulations.
14.To consider issues relating to councillor vacancy. Councillors agreed the advertisement and brief job description for the vacancy to fill by co-option. This to be placed on noticeboards, the website, and North Nibley Facebook page with a closing date of receipt by the clerk of the 22nd February. Councillors noted the Standing Orders had been updated at the time of the last co-option in favour of the holding of interviews.
15.To consider issues relating to recreation project. Councillors selected three adult recreation items from catalogues for a shortlist of items to purchase within the budget agreed at autumn finance meeting. Cllr D Purnell agreed to arrange to walk around the recreation field with Trust representatives to identify the best sites for the equipment. The clerk undertook to apply for the additional funding available under the planning gain available for recreation projects to 2020 as previously notified by the district council.
16.To consider issues relating to speed awareness. Cllr R Symons reported a very worthwhile recent meeting with Paul Helbrow, Highways Manager. Progress had been made on the white lining which should be completed before March 2019. Whilst it was concluded no funding was available from the Police, there was an invitation to meet the Inspector at Stroud. As regards signage, enquiries had been made to The gateways proposal had had a positive response from Paul Helbrow, albeit he was not sure if these fit the particular local area and this needed to be looked at again. The work concluded to date overall meant the sub group had a list to take forward to the annual parish meeting, and the speed sub group was also due to meet again the following Wednesday.
17. To consider issues relating to defibrillator. The clerk reported the chair and clerk had met David Owen and also Louise Cooper of the Ambulance Service in December for expert opinion on the condition of the defib and its outer box. Consequently the clerk had purchased two replacement defib pads as advised at the annual service in November. These had been installed by Louise Cooper and the defib is available for local use albeit the outer box has some wear and tear issues. David Owen had raised the alternative option of a complete new defib device and outer casing. However, as the defib device itself was judged sound after the annual service with the outer casing alone requiring maintenance, the clerk agreed to investigate with the supplier prospects for a discount on a replacement or an alternative metal box with ten year guarantee. The clerk undertook to write the supplier to explain the issues.
18. To receive an update on parish noticeboards. Cllr K Brown advised he had contacted the resigned councillor to arrange handover of information collated for the parish information board project and was awaiting to hear.
19.To consider representatives to attend meeting at which new district authority chief exec will be present. Cllr Ken Brown and Cllr J Burton agreed to attend the meeting on the 15th January at the civic centre in Wotton Under Edge organised by District Cllr K Tucker.
20.To receive for information details of Correspondence received. The clerk had received an invitation from GAPTC to nominate a past chairman of the parish council to attend a Buckingham Palace Garden Party. Councillors agreed to nominate Cllr D Purnell.
21.Other items. As regards the expected legacy councillors noted the possibility of setting up a charity. Cllr D Palmer had information on charities which he would make available. Cllr R Symons noted concern about the condition of the wall near Chantry Cottage at Church Lane which requires investigation.
Cllr R Symons requested the agenda for the annual parish meeting be a February agenda item. The agenda to include: village school project; recreation project; shop; and traffic calming; and invitations to Neighbourhood Warden and PCSO (Police). Publicity needed to stress the community benefit of the meeting.
Councillors noted Cllr J Burton’s proposal for a timetable as a notice in the shop window with a village contact listing, and on Facebook page, and also noted concern about the poor condition of the road near the Swinhay development. Councillors noted that staff from the motorway service station maybe available for voluntary work.
Councillors discussed whether the council headed notepaper required an upgrade. The clerk and Cllr J Burton would bring some examples to the February council meeting. In the interim the clerk would replace economy with a higher grade of paper for council correspondence.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 4th February 2019