Present: Mr Ken Brown (chair), Mrs J Burton, Mr K Larkin, Mr D Palmer, Mr D Purnell and Mr R Symons.
Four members of the public attended the meeting.
District Councillors: Mr G Butcher, Mr K Tucker.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.
The Acting Clerk: Mrs J Burton.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies had been received from the Parish Clerk Ms E Oakley, District Cllrs Ms C Braun and Mr G Butcher. The Chairman informed the Council that the Clerk was unwell and Mrs J Burton would be acting as Clerk for the meeting.
Declaration of Interests. There were no declarations of interest.
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 4th February 2019 as a true record. The Minutes of the February Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items.
The Clerk responded to the solicitor’s letter with details of the Council’s bank account. Lloyds Bank have confirmed that the legacy has been paid into the Council’s account.
Payment for the felling of a second set of trees on Wood Lane was agreed with GCC Rights of Way.
Cllr Symons arranged for the Notice board by the Village Shop to be repaired.
The school have offered help with the village clean-up and will organise the children to clear certain areas on Friday 22nd March. The Clerk liaised with the Head Teacher regarding equipment.
The Clerk negotiated a free replacement cover for the defibrillator. David Owen and the Ambulance trust have been informed.
The Clerk has prepared an application to secure monies from Planning Gain incluing evidence of decision making from Council Minutes. SDC have confirmed that this is sufficient information.
Thanks were received for the Council’s response to the SDC draft Statement of Community Involvement.
After an enquiry by District Cllr Braun, SDC have confirmed that the drone filming was for the Cotswold Tourism Partnership.
The Neighbourhood Warden reprted that he had picked up litter and broken glass from the Monument. In addition he has given talks in the village and installed Careline equipment. He asked the Parish Council if any residents would like a leaflet of advice on Careline.
The Headstone Regulations are due to be added to the Parish Council website.
The Clerk is now using the approved design of headed paper.
The Clerk had requested that grit bins be refilled by Highways and received confirmation that this had been done.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.
The members of public present said that they were only here to listen to the proceedings and did not wish to speak at the meeting.
The Chairman re-opened the Meeting without further discussion.
The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Applications:
Application Number: S.19/0367/LBC Proposed new stud partition and door and frame to first floor Manager's kitchen, Black Horse Inn, 1 Barrs Lane, North Nibley, Dursley Gloucestershire GL11 6DT. Following a brief discussion the Council agreed to make no comments.
The Council noted the following Planning Application decisions by Stroud DC Planning.
Application Number: S.18/1438/COU. Location: Hunts Court Farm, Forthay, North Nibley, Dursley. Change of use of land for the stationing of four glamping pods. Permission.
The Council received a written District Council Report. The Council received a written report from District Cllr Ken Tucker. The Chairman thanked Cllr Tucker for his report. (Filed aside)
The Council received a written County Council Report. The Council received a written report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. The Chairman thanked Cllr Cordwell for his report. (Filed aside)
To receive and discuss Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors and the Clerk.
The Chairman met with a representative of the Recreation Committee and a Risk Assessment has been produced for the Recreation Field.
An agreement has been reached with the Knoll Trust for the Council to make a contribution to the cost of grass cutting on the Knoll proportionate to the size of the Council’s land on the Knoll. A cheque from the Knoll Trust was received for the Council’s proportion of the Grant less the grass cutting fee.
Parish Council Finances:
The Chairman confirmed that the Legacy has been paid into the Council’s bank account.
A quotation from Hawkins for grass cutting in the Cemetery and Closed Churchyard was discussed and approved.
A cheque was issued for the removal of fallen trees in Wood Lane. The money will be reimbursed by GCC Rights of Way.
Mrs Lewis has agreed to do the Council accounts for this year but the Council will need to find a new accountant next year.
Less organizations have applied for grants this year. The Council has awarded the following grants:
North Nibley Chapel £300
Pre-School £350
On The Edge £300
Cotswold Vale Talking Newspaper £50 £65
The Council discussed the quotations for tree maintenance in the Cemetery and Closed Churchyard. The Council agreed to fell the two most dangerous trees and to attend to all the tasks that are recommended by the report to be done in the next twelve months. Three sets of quotations were received by the Council and contractors will be informed and asked to undertake this work at the prices quoted.
Cemetery and Closed Churchyard
The Burial Clerk reported that the hedge on the stile side of the cemetery required cutting. The Council will request quotations from contractor who have previously undertaken this work.
Badgers are still digging in the Cemetery. Treatment will be resumed.
No changes in excess soil added to graves. The Clerk to write to the funeral directors.
Bench seat removed for cleaning by the family.
The Burial Clerk thanked Cllr Symons for taking over the Cemetery duties while the Burial Clerk was on holiday and Mrs Orchard for monitoring the Cemetery waste bin.
Cllr Palmer reported no significant changes in the Closed Churchyard since the last report.
The Ivy on the wall next to the Old Vicarage still shows some signs of life. The ivy will need spraying again by the end of March. He believed that much of the living ivy on the Old Vicarage is coming from roots on that side of the wall and in his opinion the owners should cut back on their side. He advised that ivy stems on the churchyard side should be severed and that this could be done by volunteers.
Cllr Palmer suggested that the ivy on the south wall of the churchyard (Church Lane) should also be treated. He had cut a significant amount of ivy and brambles over the last two years.
The fallen tree was still leaning on the tomb but that he had arranged for Mr Devine to help remove it. No damage seems to have been done to the tomb.
The main gate to the Closed Churchyard has been repainted by Mr Timbrell.
A letter has been received from Dr Aston. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to acknowledge the letter and attempt to arrange a meeting with Dr Aston, Cllr Brown, Cllr Purnell and Cllr Symons.
The Council approved an additional inscription on an existing memorial.
The Council agreed to ask for a quotation for spraying the ivy on the South Wall of the Closed Churchyard.
The Council agreed to rearrange the councillor vacancy interviews for later in the month.
The Council agreed to invite the three beneficiaries of the Legacy to the Annual Parish Meeting to receive their cheques. A copy of part of the Will to be displayed at the meeting.
The Council appointed Cllr Larkin to represent the Council at the Ashen Plains Licence hearing.
The Council discussed Cllr Symons’ report on Speed Awareness. The Speed Awareness Sub group recommended that ANPR cameras were a more effective solution to the problem of speeding through the village than the flashing signs. The Council agreed that the sub-group should further investigate the installation of two ANPR cameras at an approximate cost of £16,000. The Council thought that this would be a good use of some of the Legacy and that the annual running cost could be included in the precept.
Cllr Purnell has arranged to meet with the provider of exercise equipment on the recreation field to discuss how the equipment will be installed.
The Council discussed the groundwork that had taken place recently at Waterley Bottom. The SDC enforcement officer had visited the site and informed the owner that the work required planning permission and suggested that the work stop immediately. He warned the owner that any further work would be at his own risk and that the District Council could require the reinstatement of the land to its earlier condition.
The Council was informed that the equipment for the village clean-up was due to be delivered soon and that North Nibley Primary School children would be undertaking a litter pick on the recreation field and Lower House lane.
The Council agreed to include an item covering parking at the bottom of Wood Lane on the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting.
The Council noted the offer of community responder training.
The Council noted the offer of first aid training.
The Council agreed that no change was required to council annual policies for standing orders, financial regulations and systems of internal control including risk management.
The Council received for information, details of correspondence.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 8th April 2019 immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting which commences at 7pm.