Present: Mr Ken Brown (chair), Mr K Larkin, Mr D Palmer, Mr D Purnell, Mr D Roberts, Mr R Symons.
Five members of the public attended the meeting.
District Councillors: Mrs C Braun, Mr G Butcher, Mr K Tucker
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell
The Clerk: Mrs E Oakley
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies had been received from parish councillor Jane Burton.
To receive any Declarations of Interests from Councillors relating to this Meeting. There were no declarations of interest relating to the current meeting. However, the clerk advised she had received a request from Democratic Services to refresh councillors’ Disposable Pecuniary Interest statements. The clerk had new copies of the form available for councillor completion.
The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 7th May 2019 as a true record. The Minutes of the May Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items.
Disclosure of correspondence procedure. The clerk had received a request from the Forestry Commission, (FC) for information under an Environmental Information Regulations request (EIR). This requires the FC to disclose original communications made in the EIR screening process. The chair and clerk supplied the original document requested.
First aid and community responder courses. The clerk reported one parishioner has expressed interest. The clerk had contacted parish clerks at Stinchcombe and Alkington with information to see if they had any delegates to join a combined group. The Alkington clerk said that they are happy to help by advertising a course NNPC may run. The clerk also agreed to contact local football and cricket teams in North Nibley with details of the courses available.
Archiving. The clerk has copies of notes for guidance on retention of different types of council files to include burial and had forwarded these to the burial clerk.
Council grants. Wotton Swimming pool had been in touch with a general request concerning grant funding. The clerk directed to website details with applications decided at March meetings.
Legacy beneficiary. The chair had received a formal letter of thanks to the council from the headmaster of the school which he read to councillors.
Insurance renewal. The clerk had received confirmation of renewal.
Wood Lane. The clerk had re- reported drains blocked.
Democratic services had requested confirmation of numbers of councillors, names and vacant seats (if applicable) for their website. The clerk had provided an update.
Noticeboard near the shop. For surface improvements to the inside of the noticeboard to assist with pinning up future notices, Cllr D Palmer and Cllr D Purnell had agreed to look into the matter at a previous meeting.
Cemetery hedge work. The chair met the contractor to discuss timing of the work with respect to wildlife and an invoice has been received for the work completed.
Community Infrastructure form. Requires completion for the record and uploaded to council website even if as applies there are nil receipts for financial year 2018/2019.
5. The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions. The chairman invited public comment of which none were received.
The Chairman re-opened the Meeting without further discussion.
6. The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Applications:
Application Number: S.19/0701/FUL Location: Land At, Stumpwell Lane, Southend, Wotton-Under- Edge. Application Type: Full Planning Application Description: Relocate and rebuild a disused agricultural stone barn into a sustainable 1 bedroom cottage as part of a live/work unit. To be considered in conjunction with erection of a steel barn for light agricultural use.
The Parish Council agreed to submit comments:
1. If the local planning authority is minded to approve the application then conditions should be applied as set out in para 4.60 of the Local Plan regarding the provision of the business floor space before the residential floor space is occupied and occupation of the residential floor space only by a person solely employed in the business occupying the business floor space of the unit. In this regard the Parish Council considers the occupation should be restricted to the applicant i.e. Mr G Beer director of Treecreeper Arborists Ltd at the outset and for no other person or business without the prior written approval of the planning authority.
2. The Parish Council is concerned to ensure a safe vehicle access is provided at the outset before first occupation of the live/work unit. The site is adjoining a sharp and dangerous bend and the PC wish to ensure safe forward visibility across the bend and safe right hand turning are provide to meet acceptable highway standards to the approval of the highway authority.
3. The Parish Council considers the proposed green metal cladding to the barn to be inappropriate in this location and considers wooden cladding to be more visually acceptable and more sustainable in keeping with the applicants overall approach to the development of this site.
Application Number: S.19/0447/COU Location: Agricultural Building, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley, Gloucestershire. Application Type: Change of Use. Description: Change of use of barn from agricultural use to a mixed use of agriculture and event space: Re-consultation.
The council objected to this application:
The Parish Council emphasizes it considered this application together with S.19/0596/FUL on a proper basis on 8th April including the contents of the Access and Design Statement so there was no misunderstanding on its part. It resolved to object and the main grounds were set out in its letter dated 16th April.
The Parish Council reaffirmed its objections on the grounds previously submitted. In addition the Parish Council has noted the Planning Strategy response which recommends refusal and fully supports this recommendation. This includes policy objections relating to Local Plan policies EL 10,ES6 and ES7 plus E14 and E15 together with CP14 and CP 15 previously referred to. With respect to E 15 it would draw particular attention to para 5.44 of the Local Plan. The Parish Council considers the proposal is not sustainable being in an isolated position within the AONB with no public transport or nearby local services.
The Parish Council submit the applicants attempt to limit consideration to 28day PD. rights is both wrong and misleading. The application is for change of use of an agricultural building and should be considered on its merits taking all relevant policy and material considerations into account. This should include relevant impacts including traffic, noise, and impact on the landscape quality and character of the AONB and Ashen Plains Key Wildlife Site. The application is seriously deficient in this regard with no impact analysis to seek to justify overriding the important policy and impact objections.
The Parish Council is fully supportive of the many objections submitted by parishioners and submits the application should be refused together with application S.19/0596/FUL.
7. To note the following Planning Application decisions:
Application Number: S.19/0897/AGR Location: Land at Forthay North Nibley Gloucestershire. Application Type: Agricultural storage building and access track. New access to field to West. Permitted Development.
Councillors expressed concern the council had received no prior notice of nor consultation on this application despite requesting consultation on other AGR applications in the past. The council expressed concerns over dangerous access and traffic safety as well as loss of trees.
The Parish Council firmly considers it should be consulted on such applications and the council agreed to write to the Stroud Chief Executive, Director of Development Services and Head of Planning requesting this is reviewed as part of the Corporate Delivery Plan.
8. The Council received a written District Council Report. The Council received a written report from District Cllr Ken Tucker. The chairman thanked Cllr K Tucker for his report who confirmed the second report circulated was the applicable one. District Cllr C Braun referred to the Draft Corporate Delivery Plan and its implications for better partnership working as initiated by the chief executive. Questions had been raised about the format and frequency and implications for planning. Councillors agreed the letter of concern (item 7 above) be also addressed to the Chief executive as well as the director of development and head of planning.
9. The Council received a written County Council Report. The council received a written report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. The chairman thanked Cllr J Cordwell for his report.
10. To receive and discuss Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors and the Clerk.
Cllr D Palmer reported he had attended the recent road safety meeting. The option for individual solar powered speed cameras that could be strapped to a post was discussed, noting this maybe a future option for areas other than the main road through North Nibley once the equipment was available for purchase.
Cllr K Brown reported from some proceedings of the village shop committee noting the forthcoming AGM was scheduled for the 10th June.
Cllr K Brown reported that following the prior meeting with the Cotswold Warden most of the key details for the proposed educational project at The Knoll had been collated, for example details of the Iron Age fort, Tyndale Monument, and rare plants. However, further details of the grants that maybe available are awaited.
The clerk reported she had attended the annual parish meeting for Dursley Town council in her capacity as a local resident. She noted the high quality presentation of financial data in annual reports and also the report confirming the district authority had declared a climate change emergency. The chair of the district authority, who was present at the town council meeting, stated that some local parishes had also declared a climate change emergency and were looking at the implications. It was planned to convene local meetings to progress these issues.
11. Parish Council Finances.
1. Payments were agreed:
a/ Garden Supplies, cut cemetery hedge, dispose of cuttings £138.00
b/ North Nibley village hall February, March and April 2019
meetings to include annual meeting £52.00
c/ George Harper, tree felling work cemetery £550.00
Councillors noted the efficiency and care of contractors on site for these above works.
2. To consider quotes for scheduled work. There were no items to consider.
3. To note audit procedures for financial year 2018/2019. The clerk reported GATPC had appointed an auditor and the audit process had commenced for the financial year 2018 to 2019. The clerk agreed to contact the internal auditor for last year to thank her for her work.
4. To consider savings options new savings/deposit account. The clerk reported none of three banks/building societies approached in local branches could offer options for a new account at branch level. The clerk was directed to telephone banking and websites for more information and it was requested a signatory make contact. The clerk agreed to investigate a further option with the charity commission body CCLA whose services were available on line and overall a secure investment. The clerk would also seek advice from GAPTC on savings options for councils.
12. To receive and approve Cemetery and Closed Churchyard Reports.
Cemetery. Tree maintenance had been performed and the pine tree removed. The grass was cut on the 16th of May. There was no evidence of badger activity this month, and processing of cemetery documents was on going.
Churchyard. Cllr D Palmer had cut through more ivy on the west wall of the churchyard. In particular one growing up at the north end of the wall. He had also removed more dead ivy from the wall and moved twelve sacks and three builders’ bags of debris to the churchyard bonfire site. The rest of the churchyard is in good condition but some molehills are noted.
12b/ to approve a memorial application. A bronze memorial plaque to be placed on the wall for Lindsay Ernest Cooper was approved.
13. To consider issues related to speed control. Cllr R Symons advised that since approval for expenditure on Automatic Number Plate Recognition, advice had subsequently been received that the preferential sites for the position of the cameras had slightly changed. It was also noted that the Police are currently carrying out a review as to whether they will support ANPRs in future due to pressure on Police resources. This then implies a period to wait until the review is completed. Cllr R Symons undertook to write to the Police and Crime Commissioner to seek clarification and assurance that the Police will continue to support ANPR schemes. He undertook to provide a draft for the clerk to send on behalf of the council.
A further issue for an ANPR scheme was data management especially in terms of who would manage the data produced. Cllr R Symons was willing to manage this in the first instance. It was planned to invite the parish clerk from Kingswood Parish Council to attend the July council meeting to discuss experience of using data generated from their ANPR scheme.
Cllr R Symons reported the council had received comments from Gloucestershire Highways on written parishioner proposals for local speed control. It was agreed the clerk would reply to the parishioner setting out Highways comments to her suggestions.
14. To consider affordable housing issues. Cllr K Larkin to update at the July meeting.
15. To consider provision of facilities for dog walkers. Cllr K Larkin reported he had been notified by two parishioners of the need for a new dog waste bin in Pittcourt. District Cllr C Braun advised there are no new dog bins now issued as all are general waste bins but the options need be addressed for the Pittcourt area. Cllr D Roberts to follow this up and report back in due course.
16. To receive for information details of Correspondence received. The clerk reported GAPTC have a vacancy for a councillor representative on their executive committee for which nominations were invited.
17. Other items. Cllr D Palmer had cleaned the bench by the village hall. The chair reported recent incidence of new age travellers with dogs suspected of attacking around forty sheep over a period of time and requested to be advised of other incidents. Councillors noted potholes outside St Martin’s church with six potholes gate-side as well as opposite. A safety officer need respond within 48 hours to safety issues.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.50 pm and thanked all for attending.
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 1st July