Present: Mr Ken Brown (Chair), Mr D Purnell, Mr K Larkin, Mr D Palmer, Mr D Roberts, Mr R Symons.

District Councillors: Mrs C Braun, Mr G James & Mr K Tucker.

County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.

The Acting Clerk: Mr. R Symons

Four members of the public attended the meeting.

The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.

  1. The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies were received from Cllr. Mrs J Burton.

  1. The Chairman invited any Declarations of Interest. There were none.

  2. The Council approved the Minutes of the Council’s August 2019 Meeting. The Chairman duly signed the Minutes as a true record.

  1. There were no matters arising from the Meeting held on 5 August, not covered by agenda items.

  1. The Chairman opened the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions. One member of the public announced that there were plans to update the North Nibley Parish Directory and with recent data protection law changes she sought permission to include details of Parish Councillors. There were no objections as such information is already made public through the Council’s website.

  1. The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Applications and notification of an Appeal.

Following discussion the Council agreed to Note an objection from a neighbour, but otherwise make No Comments.

Following discussion the Council agreed to make No Comments.

Following discussion the Council agreed that in the event of the planning authority wishing to approve the application a condition should be applied requiring the floor space to be used as ancillary to the main house and no separate dwelling unit should be created.

Following discussion the Council agreed to make No Comments.

Planning Appeal.

The Annexe Cedar Lodge, Pitt Court. APP/C1625/D/19/3232822. Refused rear extension. Written Representations.

The Council Noted the Appeal.


  1. The Council noted the following Planning Application decision:

8. The Council received a written District Council Report from District Councillors. The report contained information about a prosecution of a dog owner for dog fouling the streets in the District. It was discussed how this information should be used in the Parish. The Council agreed to highlight the case through “On The Edge”. It was also suggested and agreed to contact the District Neighbourhood Warden to ask him to display posters and apply markings along public footpaths. . The Chairman thanked District Councillors for their report.

9. The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor John Cordwell. There were no matters arising from Cllr. Cordwell’s report. The Chairman thanked Cllr Cordwell for his report.

  1. The Chairman invited Parish Councillors to report on any meeting they had attended.

Councillor Palmer brought to the Council’s attention his written report which had been issued prior to the meeting. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Palmer for all the work he has been doing to make improvements to footpaths across the Parish.

  1. The Council noted the written report from Cllr. Burton following her meeting with the Clerk. The Chairman said that he hoped the Clerk would soon be able to return to work and that he and other Councillors would do all they can to facilitate her return.

  1. Parish Council Finances.

  1. The Council approved an Invoice from Hawkins for grass cutting at the Cemetery and drew up a cheque for payment.

  2. The Council approved and made a cheque payment of £4.55 to Cllr. Palmer in respect of postage he had paid in relation to the Council’s Speedwatch equipment.

  1. Following discussions and decision made at the August Meeting (Minute 14/08/2019) the Council received and approved an application for funding from “The Village Shop Association”. The application for £5,500 was approved for electrical work (£2000); building work (£2500); plumbing work (£1000) on condition that any underspend would be returned to the Council. The Council would also require copies of the final receipts for these works.

  2. (a) The Council received and approved a written Cemetery and Closed Churchyard Report.

(b) The Chairman brought to the Council’s attention problems caused by inconsiderate parking outside the Cemetery entrance. Following discussion it was agreed that the area immediately outside the Cemetery main gate should be painted yellow in a cross hatched. It was also agreed to purchase a sign to be applied to the gate.

  1. The Chairman reported that he had heard rumours that the Stroud District bungalows in Tyndale Close were being sold to the tenants. Following discussions District Councillor Catherine Braun agreed to ascertain if this was true and report back to the Council. District Councillor Tucker pointed out that Stroud DC is the only district council in Gloucestershire to own housing.

  1. Cllr Symons reported on progress on the ANPR Project. He had contacted Highways to progress installation of suitable posts. Highways have required further information about the installation.

Following a meeting with Redhand of Berkeley (Alan Pascoe & Jerry Spence) and further contact with the Clerk of Kingswood PC he has discovered:

However before changing the Council’s plans we would need to check with the police that they would support data from the Redhand product. There could be some benefits in working alongside the pilot.

It was agreed that the Council should continue with the installation of the posts; keep alongside Redhand developments; find out Police thinking on Redhand project and product; and leave commitment until later once the new posts are in place.

  1. Correspondence. The Council were reminded that a number of information emails had previously been sent by the Clerk. The Chairman mentioned that a parishioner has suggested improvements could be made to the Stroud DC owned play area outside the Village Hall. It was hoped that further information would be forthcoming at a future meeting.

The Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.30pm.

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 7th October.