Present: Mr Ken Brown (chair), Mr K Larkin, Mr R Symons, Mr D Palmer and Mr D Purnell.
Six members of the public attended the meeting.
District Councillors: Ms Catherine Braun and Mr K Tucker.
The Acting Clerk: Mr D Palmer.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies had been received from the Parish Clerk Ms E Oakley, Cllr Mrs J Burton, Cllr D Roberts, District Cllr Mr G James and County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. The Chairman informed the Council that the Clerk was unwell and Mr D Palmer would be acting as Clerk for the meeting.
The Chairman invited any Declaration of Interest. Cllr Purnell declared an interest in the first item at 6 below.
The Council approved the Minutes of the November Council Meeting. The Minutes of the November Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items.
There were none.
The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.
A member of the public asked if the Council had any news from the developers of the potential housing site. Cllr Larkin replied that RCA are currently writing a report on the public consultation and that he expected it to be part of the planning application when it is submitted.
Other members of the public raised concerns about the planning application at Waterley Bottom (see second item at 6).
The Chairman re-opened the Meeting without further discussion.
The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Applications:
Cllr Purnell left the room at this point.
Application Number: S.19/2241/CPE Location: The Twinnings, Park Lane, Stancombe,Certificate Existing Lawful Use/Dev - Residential outbuildings including garage, store and C3 dwelling (the potting shed) together with use of the potting shed as an independent dwelling. Following a brief discussion the Council agreed to make no comment.
Clllr Purnell returned.
Application Number: S.19/2398/FUL Lot 1 And 2, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley - Erection of farm building for storage of animal feed and fodder;Erection of implement store and formation of turning area. Following a brief discussion the Council agreed to make the following comments.
North Nibley Parish Council considered this planning application at its meeting on 2nd December. It received representations from parishioners objecting to the proposal.
The Parish Council noted this was a revised application from the earlier application to which it objected on 15th July 2019 (S.19/1171/FUL) and in particular it now proposes two buildings of a greater combined floor space than previously. Also the application does not include works already undertaken without permission including widened access, road across the site and bridge works across the brook and is therefore deficient.
After due consideration the Parish Council resolved to object to the application on the following grounds:
Insufficient information has been submitted to justify the need for two buildings of the size proposed as being essential for the maintenance and enhancement of a sustainable farming enterprise and the proposal is contrary to Local Plan Policy CP 15.
The site is within the Cotswold AONB in an area of high landscape value. The proposal to erect two buildings on higher land would be visually prominent both viewed across and along the valley. As a consequence the proposal would detract from the character and landscape quality of the AONB contrary to Local Plan Policy ES 7.
The cumulative impact of the proposed buildings, access works,turning areas, and road across the valley would create an unacceptable and adverse impact on the landscape character and visual amenities of this part of the AONB and the special landscape quality of Waterley Bottom. The proposals fail to be sympathetic to or complement or enhance the landscape character of the AONB as required by Local Plan Policy ES 7.
The proposal will result in an increase in vehicular traffic including large farm vehicles through Millend and PittCourt in order to access the site. The access is downnarrow lanes regularly used by walkers, horse riders and cyclists as well as other vehicles and this will lead to problems of traffic safety and adverse environmental impact on these small settlements.The proposal is therefore contrary to Local Plan Policy E 14.
The proposal together with the unauthorised works already undertaken will have an adverse impact on the Doverte Brook contrary to Local Plan Policy ES 8.
The Parish Council fully support the objections made by parishioners and request the local planning authority refuse planning permission for the grounds listed above
The Council noted the following Planning Application decisions by Stroud DC Planning.
There were none.
The Council receive a written District Council Report. The Council received a written report from District Cllr Catherine Braun. The Chairman thanked Cllr Braun for her report. (Filed aside) District Councillor Tucker added that he had also submitted a report. There followed a brief discussion about the proposed Wisloe development. Cllr Larkin agreed to bring a report on the SDC Local Plan Consultation to the January meeting.
The Council received a written County Council Report. The Council received a written report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (Filed aside)
The Chairman invited Parish Councillors to report on any meetings they had attended.
Cllr Larkin reported on a meeting ate Ebley Mill with The Housing Strategy Manager about affordable housing. Four parish Councillors attended and were assured that a Housing Association is usually appointed after a planning application has been submitted and a layout and mix of housing has been agreed. They were also assured that an S.106 agreement would be drawn up to define the rules for affordable Housing including priority to be given to local people who have a defined connection with the Parish and retention of the affordable housing in perpetuity.
Cllr Palmer briefly outlined the content of a SDRSG meeting held at Woodchester. (Report Filed Aside)
Parish Council Finances:
T.W. Hawkins & Sons £953.40 for grass cutting in the cemetery and closed churchyard
Treecreeper Arborists £190.00 for emergency tree work to a cemetery tree overhanging the laybye.
The council discussed the appointment of an Internal Auditor. It was resolved to approach GAPTC.
Cemetery and Closed Churchyard
The Burial Clerk’s Cemetery report and the Closed Churchyard report (filed aside).
The Council received for information, details of correspondence.
A request from Stroud Valleys Project for a contribution towards the appointment of a project officer to focus on tree planting. It was resolved to consider this during the Grant application process.
It was suggested that an article about tree planting could be included in OTE requesting possible sites for tree planting. Trees may be available from the Woodland Trust free of charge.
As the result of a reminder from SDC, the completed Community Infrastructure Levy Annual Report was uploaded to the website.
The Council resolved to ask for the defibrillator to be serviced by the agents who service the Wotton defibrillators.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 6th January 2020 at 7:30pm.