Present: Mr Ken Brown (Chair), Mr D Purnell, Mr D Palmer, Mr D Roberts, & Mr R Symons.
District Councillors: Mrs. C Braun & Mr K Tucker.
County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.
The Acting Clerk: Mr. R Symons
Nine members of the public attended the meeting.
The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.
The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies were received from Cllr. Mrs J Burton, Cllr. Mr K Larkin & Dist. Cllr. Mr G James.
The Chairman invited any Declarations of Interest. There were none.
The Council approved the Minutes of the Council’s December 2019 Meeting. The Chairman duly signed the Minutes as a true record.
The Acting Clerk reported there were no matters arising from the Minutes.
The Chairman advised the Meeting that the Clerk remained off work sick. He thanked Cllr. Palmer for writing the Minutes of the December Meeting.
The Chairman opened the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.
One member of the public asked if there had been any further contact between the Council and Piper Homes in relation to the proposed affordable housing development. The Chairman informed the Meeting that Cllr. Larkin had spoken to the prospective developer and as far as the Council are aware a planning application has not yet been submitted.
Another parishioner asked if the houses would be carbon neutral. The Chairman responded that this should be clearer at the planning stage.
A further parishioner asked what would be happening about discussions held at November Meeting when a children’s play area proposal had been put forward by a parishioner. It was noted that the costs of some of the ideas put forward would be beyond what the Council could afford and the suggestion was made that if the idea was to be progressed it would be necessary to have a fund raising activity. Councillors were enthusiastic about making improvements to children’s play areas in the Village.
The Chairman said the Council is awaiting further details and costings from the proposer of the scheme. It was agreed that he should be invited to the February Meeting.
A parishioner expressed concerns and asked the Council what could be done about speeding vehicles on the B4060. The acting clerk advised that the Council had previously asked the Highways Dept. of Gloucestershire County Council to reduce the 50 mph stretch between North Nibley and Wotton under edge to 40 mph. Following a survey this had been rejected. The parishioner also expressed concerns about the stretch out of North Nibley towards Stinchcombe, and in particular where it is crossed by the Cotswold Way at Stancombe.
In relation to the traffic calming plans for the Village the acting clerk informed the meeting that his request for the posts to be erected had not yet been carried out. The acting clerk will follow up with Highways.
It was also agreed that the acting clerk would write to Highways regarding the other matters raised by the parishioner.
There being no other matters from parishioners the Chairman closed the Meeting.
There were no Planning Applications for the Council to comment upon.
The Council noted the following Planning Application decisions:
S.19/2241/CPE Location: The Twinnings Park Lane Stancombe. Application Type: Residential outbuildings including garage, store and C3 dwelling (the potting shed) together with use of the potting shed as an independent dwelling. (Application Withdrawn)
S.19/0608/FUL Location: Land Opposite New Inn, Waterley Bottom, North Nibley, Gloucestershire. Application Type: Full Planning Application Description: Erection of agricultural/ equestrian building. Change of use of land to mixed use of agriculture/equestrian use. (Application Refused)
The Council received a written District Council Report from District Councillors. District Councillor Mrs Braun presented the Report. She brought to the Council’s attention:
The District Council’s Sheltered Housing Modernisation Programme; and
due to recent wet weather the cardboard and paper being sent for recycling was lower value due to the amount of moisture it contained. Residents are advised to cover their recycling boxes if possible (covers are available from SDC).
The Chairman thanked District Councillors for their report.
The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor John Cordwell. There were no matters arising from Cllr. Cordwell’s report.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Cordwell for his report.
The Chairman invited Parish Councillors to report on any meetings they had attended.
Cllr. Roberts brought to the Council’s attention that the culvert at the bottom of Wood Lane was once again blocked. He will report the matter to Rights of Way team.
Cllr. Roberts also said that he had reported damage to the footpath alongside houses in Wotton Road. He has raised this with Highways.
Cllr. Palmer had met the Cotswold Wardens and a resident regarding a tree blocking a footpath at Crowell Brook.
It was brought to the Council’s attention that there were a number of potential enforcement matters that required the attention of Stroud District Enforcement team. The acting clerk advised the Council of the following:
1 Swinhay Smallholding Stables. The use of a mobile home and potential commercial use of the stables is contrary to planning permission. This has been reported to Ian Mallinson at Stroud who has agreed to investigate in the New Year. The Council need to follow this up with the Enforcement Officer during the second half of January.
2. Forthay Farm buildings use for business purposes. It is believed that this use continues, despite the matter being investigated last year. It was suggested this should be reported for reinvestigation.
3. Lots 1/2 Waterley Bottom. This is a current planning application to which the Council has objected (S.19/2398/FUL). The Planning Application does not include unauthorised works which have already been carried out, including widened access, new access road across site, caravan etc to which there are strong objections from local residents.
It is understood this is already under investigation by Stroud Enforcement and should now be followed up.
4. Ashen Plains . Planning applications for Event Use and retrospective retention of second barn were both refused on 5th July 2019. Potential enforcement action was deferred by Stroud, pending possible appeal against refusals. An Appeal has now been made against the barn being erected without permission (S.19/0596/FUL); but not against the refusal of the event use (S.19/0447/COU).
The Council suggest that Enforcement should be pressed to commence enforcement proceedings as soon as possible against the unauthorised use of other structures on site together with unauthorised use of mobile home adjacent to the stable block on the adjoining land, but in same family ownership.
5.Land opposite New Inn Waterley Bottom. This application for a new barn and associated unauthorised works (S.19/0608/FUL) was refused planning permission on 11th December. This involved unauthorised engineering works and site excavation and levelling and business use of the site, including the storage of contracting equipment. Stroud has initiated investigation but deferred taking action pending the outcome of the planning application. Now that the planning application has been refused, Stroud DC should be requested to proceed with enforcement action as soon as possible.
It was proposed, seconded and agreed by the Council that the acting clerk should write to Stroud Enforcement team on these matters.
The Council was advised that an article on Affordable Housing had been forwarded to the editorial team of “On The Edge” for inclusion in the February edition. It is intended that this will provide answers and inform parishioners about any affordable housing developments in the parish. The article will be on a separate sheet, funded by the Council.
The Council considered its response to the SDC Local Plan Review consultation. Following discussion it was agreed that the Council should respond as follows:
It supports the Growth Strategy for concentration of growth in a few large sites including new settlements at Sharpness and Wisloe subject to adequate physical and community infrastructure being provided in step, including improved public transport.
It supports the policies designed to protect, conserve and enhance the countryside and its biodiversity, especially in the Cotswold AONB, including Policies CP 14 and 15 and ES 7 and 8.
It supports policies designed to tackle the acute shortage of affordable housing working with Parish Councils, including rural exception sites policy HC 4.
It supports the aim of making the District carbon neutral by 2030.
It supports North Nibley’s designation as a Tier 3 settlement, where limited infill and redevelopment within the SDL will be permitted and exceptionally, adjacent to the SDL, to allow for a rural exception affordable housing led scheme, subject to policy criteria.
Stroud DC is advised that the land north east of the Innocks Estate is not genuinely available and reference to it should be deleted. The Parish Council has been reliably informed that the site owners had informed Stroud DC of their position.
Page 137 incorrectly states that North Nibley has a post office.
Parish Council Finances.
1) The Council approved the following invoices and drew up cheques for:
Clerk’s Sick Pay and Expenses for period 1 October to 29 December 2019. (£1,254.77)
Water rates for Cemetery period ending 29 December 2019 (£33.14)
North Nibley Village Hall period November 2019 to 6 January 2020. (£36.00)
2) Other Finance matters
The Council received and approved a statement of the latest Council balances.
The Council received and approved a comparison of actual expenditure for 2019/20, against budget.
The Council received and approved the draft budget for 2020/21.
The Council agreed its Precept for 2020/21, to remain at £18,040 as in previous 3 years. The Precept was proposed by Cllr. Symons and seconded by Cllr. Roberts. The Council resolved the matter and the acting clerk was required to apply for the Precept from Stroud DC. .
The Council noted it had received a cheque for £4.63 for Wayleave Payments from Western Power Distribution
15. The acting clerk informed the Council that he had approached GAPTC to carry out an internal audit on the Council’s accounts. With the Clerk being off work he recommended that this internal audit should be delayed until it was clear when the Clerk would return to work. The position is to be reviewed at the February Meeting.
The Council received and approved written reports on the Cemetery and Closed Churchyard.
The acting clerk advised the Council that he had spoken to Glasdon about costs of Village Gateways. The design likely to be used in the Village was costed at £800 to £1,000. The Council agreed that it would seek a local contractor, before progressing.
The Council noted that the previously planned date for the Council May 2020 Meeting was before the Parish Council Election on 7 May 2020. It was agreed the Meeting should be re arranged to 11 May 2020.
The Council agreed to set a date of Saturday 21 March 2020 (9.00 am) for the Annual Village Clean-Up.
The Council discussed and approved the purchase of a sign for the Knoll. The cost was £384, including VAT. Councillor Palmer will organise the purchase.
The Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.35 pm.
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 3rd February 2020.