Present: Mr Ken Brown (Chair), Mr D Purnell, Mrs J Burton, Mr D Roberts, & Mr R Symons.

District Councillors: Mr K Tucker & Mr James.

County Councillor: Dr J Cordwell.

The Acting Clerk: Mr. R Symons

Twelve members of the public attended the meeting.

The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.

The Chairman advised the Council that because of incomplete information Item 7b had been withdrawn from the Agenda.

  1. The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies were received from Cllr. Mr K Larkin, Cllr. Mr D Palmer, & Dist. Cllr. Mrs C Braun.

  1. The Chairman invited any Declarations of Interest. There were none.

  2. The Council approved the Minutes of the Council’s January 2020 Meeting. The Chairman duly signed the Minutes as a true record.

  3. The Acting Clerk reported the following matters arising from the Minutes.

  1. The Chairman opened the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.

There being no other matters from parishioners the Chairman closed the Meeting.

6 To receive a presentation on proposals and information for an improved children’s play area in the Village.

A parishioner provided further information and ideas on how the Village could develop a new children’s play area. Cllrs. Purnell and Symons provided information following their visit to the Slimbridge play area.

Following discussion it was agreed that the way forward would be to promote the idea to all parishioners via an article in On The Edge; followed up by a presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting in April. A Group of interested parishioners supported by the Parish Council would need to be organised to raise funds through activities and from various grant awarding organisations. The Group would need to involve the Recreation Field Trust and the Village School in developing their ideas.

Meanwhile the parishioner will be seeking out further information about a similar development at Hawkesbury Upton.

  1. The Council discussed and commented upon the following Applications to Planning:

Following discussion the Council agreed to request that should the application be approved the workshop should be restricted to the use of the householder.

Following discussion by the Council it was agreed to make No Comment.

It was pointed out that this is a CPE application and as such does not require Parish Council comment.

  1. To note the following Planning Application decision:

S.19/2079/FUL. Pasture Land, Field East of the Reservoir and North of The New Inn, North Nibley, Gloucestershire. Description of development. Small shed, with private way. Permission.

  1. The Council received a written District Council Report from District Councillors. District Councillor Mr Tucker presented the Report. He brought to the Council’s attention:

The Chairman thanked District Councillors for their report.

  1. The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor John Cordwell. There were no matters arising from Cllr. Cordwell’s report.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Cordwell for his report.

  1. The Chairman invited Parish Councillors to report on any meetings they had attended.

  1. The Clerk provided information about the forthcoming Parish Council Election on Thursday 7 May 2020.

This will be posted on the Council website and information put in next edition of On The Edge.

  1. Parish Council Finances.

  1. There were no payments to be made:

  1. Other Financial matters to be discussed.

  1. The Council received and approved a request for a new memorial to the late David Stokes.

  2. The Council has previously received reports of dog fouling in Nibley Green. Cllr. Burton reported that this particular problem appeared to be resolved and suggested no further action. Other Councillors and members of the public reported similar problems elsewhere in the parish. It was agreed to approach the Neighbourhood Warden to ask him to post signs around the village and to include a message in OTE.

  3. There was no Correspondence to report.

  4. The Chairman announced that the Annual Village Clean–Up Day is arranged for Saturday 21 March 2020. It was hoped that Councillors would be joined by parishioners in an effort to tidy up the Parish.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.35 pm.

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 2 March 2020.