Stroud District Councillors’ Report

June 2018

Summary of SDC Wotton Ward Councillors’ Council meetings and local business.

  1. Car parking

Cllr Tucker and Cllr Braun attended the Strategy & Resources Committee meeting which approved the public consultation on the introduction of car parking charges in Wotton, Dursley, Nailsworth and Stratford Park.

Cllr Braun spoke on behalf of all the Wotton ward councillors and made the following points:

2. Single Use Plastics

Cllr Braun is leading the District Council’s Task and Finish Group to put together an Action Plan to reduce Single Use Plastics. We are looking at becoming a ‘Plastic Free Community’, accredited by Surfers Against Sewage, and to involve local business and the community and voluntary sector as well as local councils.

3. Community Services and Licensing Committee (Cllr Tucker)

-no meeting this month.

The Stroud Subscription Rooms, building and operation, will be transferred to Stroud Town Council who are setting up a charitable trust to run the Sub Rooms operations from 31st March 2019. A report will go to Strategy and Resources on 12 July with proposed terms of the transfer, which were

Provisionally agreed between SDC and STC on 22nd June. If approved, the transfer of the freehold would happen in September, but SDC would continue to run the venue until next March. This is to ensure continuity of events and allow STC to agree and book the entertainment and social programme for 2019-20.

4. Environment Committee (Cllr Butcher -Vice-Chair)

Multi Service Contract. – Councillors received a presentation from UBICO and an update in terms of the options for achieving further efficiencies in the delivery of the services covered by the contract.

Single use plastics and recycling. An update was received regarding the Council’s current position regarding single use plastics within its own facilities and its recycling responsibility as the waste collection authority.

Changes have already been implemented at Ebley Mill and Stratford Park Leisure Centre, working with our onsite caterer and SLM, see link for details

The Environment Strategy. Setting the priorities for the revised Environment Strategy prior to consultation. The Council adopted the 20-year Environment Strategy in February 2007. The overarching focus of the Strategy was to help us live within environmental limits, the action plan was embedded within the 5 priority areas

At the September 2017 Environment Committee, the outcomes set out in the Strategy were reported and the achievements were recognised. However, members agreed that the Strategy needed to be reviewed as the work programme had mostly been achieved.

Following the review, it was agreed to focus on 4 instead of the 5 original priorities and update text because of new terminologies.

The Chair proposed an amendment to the wording in paragraph 2 of the report, change “Climate Change” to “The Changing Climate”, this would be using the same wording as the Environment Agency.

Delegation of Power to serve fixed notices (FPNs). Councillors recommend the amendment to the current scheme of delegation to allow the Head of Health and Wellbeing to authorise external staff to serve FPNs for dog-related offences.

The Head of Health and Wellbeing be authorised to appoint any employee of a Town or Parish Council in the district of Stroud as an “authorised person” to serve fixed penalty notices on behalf of Stroud District Council, for dog fouling offences (as provided for in Public Space Protection Orders made pursuant to Section 68 Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014) subject to:

(1) The authority to appoint being limited to specific periods; (2) The authorisation being withdrawn with effect from such time as the Head of Health and Wellbeing determines; and, (3) The authorisation being subject to such other terms and conditions as he considers appropriate (including but not limited to the conditions outlined in the report at paragraph 3.5).

(Link to report

Meetings attended by Cllr Tucker during June:

Meetings attended by Cllr Braun during June:

Meetings attended by Cllr Butcher during June: