Stroud District Councillors’ Report

December 2018

Summary of SDC Wotton Ward Councillors’ Council meetings and local business.

SDC Matters

Stroud District Local Plan Review – Emerging Strategy Consultation

Public exhibitions were held around the District during December The Emerging Strategy document can be viewed on the website. The consultation on this strategy closes on 18 January.

The opposition Conservative Group have put forward an alternative proposal which proposes to reduce the number of new homes allocated to Cam (from 935 to 335), the Stonehouse cluster (from 680 to 330) and Wisloe (1500 to 200) and instead to allocate the new homes required for the District to Whaddon (1350 homes) and Moreton Valence (800 homes).

Community Governance Review

The SDC Elections team continue work on the Community Governance Review of the Stroud District. The first consultation period closed on 26 November 2018. Over 115 responses were received. A summary of responses for the parishes in or linked to Wotton-under-Edge ward (where a proposed change has been indicated) is copied below.

A working group will now assess the options and look at what changes may need to be made before the draft recommendations are published on the 18 February 2019 and another 12 weeks consultation begins.

Summary of feedback from first Community Governance Review consultation



CEO and Head of Finance visit to Wotton Ward on 15th January.

Cllr Tucker has arranged for a visit by Kathy O’Leary and Andrew Cummings to see SDC activities in the Ward. District, Town and Parish Councillors have been invited to meet with them at Wotton Civic Centre, to be followed by a visit to Renishaw.


SDC Community Services & Licencing Committee - Cllr Tucker (6 December)

Following the significant amount of time which had been spent talking to organisations, communities, businesses and local information centres, members of the Group (inc Cllr Tucker) presented their written report which set out their findings and recommendations, which were well received by all political parties. Cllr Gordon Craig was appointed as the Council’s representative to the Visitor Economy/Tourism Business Group which is a part of the GFirst Local Enterprise Partnership’s remit to create economic growth in the County. .

The Task and Finish Group (inc Cllr Tucker) presented their findings of the 6 cross-party meetings that had taken place. They had also met with the TIC staff individually and collectively to discuss concerns.

Following a Motion by the Task and Finish group, it was agreed that the SDC funded Stroud TIC would close on 31 March 2019 and change the tourism provision by encouraging the District Town Councils to develop a local and supporting district-wide tourist information service. Cllr Tucker proposed that some of the savings should be spent on a one-off SDC grant payment of £2,000 to each of the 7 Market Towns in the District, which was agreed unanimously.

It is hoped that Stroud and other Town Councils would be able to work in a similar vein to Wotton-under-Edge and Nailsworth who already had highly effective local tourist and town information centres.

Members received an impressive presentation from the representatives from SLM, the company that manages the Centre on behalf of SDC. They are working on initiatives to integrate people with exercise, e.g. walking football which had many health benefits including reducing stress levels. The challenges ahead included engaging with teenagers and use of the football pitch during the daytime.

Officers gave an upbeat update on the sale of the Sub Rooms to STC. Problems with employee pension rights were now resolved. These ‘solutions’ will cost SDC about £2-3k/year, but contributions will cease once employees leave or take up a more substantive position with the Trust. Officers and STC have been working hard to resolve some outstanding problems relating to the roof repairs. Once finalised, it is hoped that the contacts will be exchanged in the next week or so, which will enable the planned take-over to take place on 28th March.

SDC Environment Committee- Cllr Butcher (13 December)


To recommend CIL governance and spending arrangements to Strategy and Resources Committee. RECOMMENDED TO STRATEGY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE

1. Bids from strategic infrastructure providers are invited subject to completion of the form attached at ; and 2. Funding commitments are agreed according to performance against the criteria set out in the matrix attached at


To seek a recommendation to Strategy and Resources Committee of the allocation of the market towns initiative funds were voted upon. There is clearly an issue where W-u-E TC are unhappy with the amount approved. Cllrs are willing to continue this conversation with WUE TC and SDC and it is likely that a Motion will be put Strategy & Resourses Committee to request a review of the distribution.


The revised Committee budget for 2018/19 and original 2019/20 revenue budget estimates for 2019/20 was presented. The Council is facing a number of financial challenges in 2019/20 and future years. A budget deficit has been forecast in the latter part of the medium term due to anticipated reductions in the level of government funding, and inflationary and cost pressures across the Council’s services.

The original budget for the Environment Committee was £4.749m. This is then used as the base budget for the 2018/19 revised estimates and 2019/20 original estimates, incorporating changes arising from unavoidable inflationary cost pressures, budget pressures and efficiency savings. These estimates have only changed from the original budget approved in February 2018, as a result of items reported to the committee in budget monitoring reports. Indicative revenue budgets were included in Appendix A of the September budget monitoring report and were based upon assumptions and known changes at the time. Budgets presented in this report will differ as a result of more detailed work undertaken by budget holders/finance team etc.

The original estimate for Environment Committee Budget for 2019/20 is £5.462m, an increase of £713k on the base budget.

ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY UPDATE: To advise Committee of the findings from the recent strategy consultation and work programme.

The Principal Projects Officer outlined the above report. The priorities had been agreed at a Task and Finish Group in June and consultation had taken place.

The Chair confirmed that there was a budget allocation to heat the water in the outdoor pool at Stratford Park. Because of the prolonged hot summer there had been the highest footfall for years.

At the June 2018 meeting the Environment Committee agreed the priorities on the revised Environment Strategy subject to public consultation. The 4 revised priorities are:

Priority 1 - A Circular Economy, thriving now, thriving in the future; Financial prosperity today is no good if we use the resources our children will require tomorrow. We must consider the whole life costs of our purchases and not waste them. When we have finished with them, we must repair, reuse and recycle and use them again. A sustainable economy should leave no trace.

Priority 2 - Climate Change, the biggest threat we face; Man made climate change is the biggest threat humanity faces. We must adapt and increase our resilience to changes in weather patterns. We therefore must take steps to prevent levels of CO2 rising, by using less energy and what we do use must be greener, cleaner and smarter.

Priority 3 - Protecting the Environment, caring for our natural world; we are all the custodians of Stroud District, we are looking after it for future generations. It is our mission to hand it on to them in a better state than it was handed to us

Priority 4 - Sustainable Communities, planning today for a better tomorrow: We must continue to ensure that the communities we plan and build today will still be vibrant places where people can and want to live long now and in the future.

It was RESOLVED 1. To agree the Priorities for the revised Environment Strategy, and 2. To agree the draft Environment Strategy work programme.

You can read more about the Environment Strategy on the following weblink:


To adopt the above as supplementary planning advice (SPA).

The Frampton Design Statement process commenced in July 2016 and has involved the GRCC. Officers became involved following the Issues and Options Local Plan Review. It has been produced by members of the Parish Council with the assistance of community volunteers. Comment and advice from Officers of the Council has been sought to ensure compliance with the NPPF and adopted local plan policies. The Design Statement has been the subject of publicity, consultation and scrutiny at various stages of production. Public consultation is in accordance with the Council’s Adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and the original 1995 Countryside Agency Design Statement production process advice

The Frampton on Severn Community Design Statement has been produced under the initiative originally launched by the former Countryside Commission to encourage communities to identify local character and to set out design guidance at the local level. A Village Design Statement [VDS] is a practical tool to help influence decisions on local design. Prepared correctly, a VDS will provide a clear statement of the character of a particular village or locality against which planning applications may be assessed. It is not about whether development should take place (this is one of the purposes of both the current Adopted Stroud District Local Plan, but about how development should be undertaken so as to respect the sense of place and local identity.

An effective VDS:

- is developed, researched, written, and edited by local people; -

is representative of the views of the village as a whole and has involved a wide section of the village community in its production;

- describes the visual character of the village and demonstrates how l character and distinctiveness can be protected and enhanced in new development locally;

- is compatible with the statutory planning system and is suitable for approval by the District Council as supporting its Adopted Local Plan; - is applicable to all forms and scale of development; and is about managing change in the village, not preventing it.

A motion was proposed by Cllr Pickering and seconded by Cllr Butcher. An amendment was proposed by Labour Cllrs, it was resolved;

To ask Stroud District Council to endorse the ‘Climate Emergency’ announced by the administration on 16 November 2018 and pledge to do everything within the Council’s power to make Stroud District carbon neutral by 2030.


Environment Committee requests Strategy and Resources Committee to consider setting aside initial funds via the normal budgeting process in order to fund the scoping and delivery of the “Stroud Carbon Neutral 2030 Commitment”. Further the commitment will be added as a piece of work to this committee’s work programme and that work will include the items listed below from 1 to 7. 1. To set out a Plan of Action, including clear targets and transparent reporting, to develop District wide Locally Determined Contributions to complement National Determined Contributions in line with the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5C. 2. To include planning and support in the District for adaptation to the climate change that is already happening. 3. To develop a strategy for Stroud District Council to play a leadership role in promoting community, public and business partnerships for this Carbon Neutral 2030 Commitment throughout the District, County and region. 4. To work with partner bodies across the county to ensure that the climate emergency is adequately reflected in the development and implementation of all county wide strategies and plans, including Gloucestershire 2050, the Gloucestershire Industrial Strategy, Gloucestershire Energy Strategy and Gloucestershire Transport Plans. 5. To investigate all possible sources of external funding and match funding to support this commitment. 6. To work with key partner organisations within the County and region to secure external funding. 7. To report back on an annual basis to Council on progress made.

SDC Housing Committee (11 December) - Cllr Braun

Meetings attended by Cllr Tucker:

Meetings attended by Cllr Butcher:

Meetings attended by Cllr Braun: